.. _Category Lists: Category Lists / Blacklists =========================== ntopng uses third party IP/domain lists to detect malicious hosts, the Category Lists. Each list contains a list of hosts which are associated to a particular `protocol category`_. Examples of Category Lists are the malware and mining hosts blacklists, which are used by ntopng to detect malicious hosts and generate `alerts`_. .. note:: Check out the `Custom Category Hosts docs`_ for a way to assign custom hosts to the ntopng categories. .. figure:: ../img/advanced_features_category_lists.png :align: center :alt: Category Lists Configuration Page The Category Lists Configuration Page Right now only some built-in lists are supported by user defined lists could be added in the future. Lists are updated periodically based on the configured *Update Frequency*. By clicking on the *Update Now* button it's possible to force the list update. The *Num Hosts* column indicates the number of hosts loaded from the specified list. The *Status* column indicates the list current status: - *Enabled*: the list is enabled and will be used by ntopng - *Disabled*: the list is disabled and will be ignore by ntopng - *Error*: there was an error while downloading the list. Check out the ntopng log for details. By clicking on the *Edit* button it's possible to edit the list update frequency and to disable the list. .. figure:: ../img/advanced_features_category_lists_edit.png :align: center :alt: Customize a Category List options :scale: 70% Customize Category List options When a list is disabled, it will not be updated anymore. .. _`protocol category`: ../web_gui/categories.html .. _`Custom Category Hosts docs`: ../web_gui/categories.html#custom-category-hosts .. _`alerts`: ../web_gui/alerts.html Custom Blacklists ----------------- In addition to the bundled list of categories, you can add your own custom category list. Under `/usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs/misc/lists/builtin` you can find the blacklist files that come with ntopng. Below you can find an example of the expected syntax: .. code:: bash $:/usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs/misc/lists/builtin# cat abuse_ch.list {"name":"Abuse.ch URLhaus","format":"hosts","enabled":true,"update_interval":86400,"url":"https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/hostfile/","category":"malware"} There are various formats supported (field "format" in the list configuration file) including: - ip: each line contains a numeric IPv4 address - hosts: each line contains a symbolic hostname Please have a look at the configuration files that ship with ntopng to see an example. In order not to mix custom configuration files with the built-in ones, ntopng expects them to be stored in `/usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs/misc/lists/custom` If the file format is correct, ntopng will download lists at startup or periodically according to the specified configutation.