Icinga2 Integration =================== ntopng integrates with `Icinga2 `_ by means of a check plugin :code:`check_ntopng.py`, open source and freely available. The plugin connects to the ntopng REST API to query for host alerts. Specifically, it queries: - Host engaged alerts, to capture ongoing host network issues (for example, the host is a victim of a SYN flood attack) - Host flow alerts, to capture suspicious or malicious flows involving a particular host (for example, the host has been contacted by a blacklisted IP). The plugin code is available at https://github.com/ntop/ntopng/tree/dev/tools/icinga2 along with other files necessary for Icinga2 to properly interface with the plugin. The integration has been announced at https://www.ntop.org/ntopng/integrating-ntopng-with-icinga2/. Plugin Installation and Configuration ------------------------------------- To properly setup :code:`check_ntopng.py`, the following steps are necessary: - :code:`check_ntopng.py` needs to be placed inside the Icinga2 plugins directory - An Icinga2 :code:`CheckCommand` needs to be created so that Icinga2 will know how to interface with the plugin - Icinga2 :code:`Service` s need to be created to tell Icinga2 to execute the plugin as part of its hosts monitoring operations Let's see how to perform these steps in detail. First, download the plugin file `check_ntopng.py `_ into the :code:`PluginContribDir` directory. The path to this directory can be found inside Icinga2 :code:`constants.conf` file, which is typically located under :code:`/etc/icinga2/` under Linux. To find the path to this directory out, it suffices to :code:`grep` file :code:`constants.conf` for :code:`PluginContribDir` .. code:: bash cat /etc/icinga2/constants.conf | grep PluginContribDir const PluginContribDir = "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins" Here the :code:`PluginContribDir` path is :code:`/usr/lib/nagios/plugins`. Once the plugin is in place, it is necessary to download file `check_ntopng_command.conf `_ in :code:`/etc/icinga2/conf.d/` or in any other directory which is read by Icinga2 upon startup. The file contains the definition of a :code:`CheckCommand` object, necessary to tell Icinga2 how to interface with the plugin. Then, download and place file `check_ntopng_service.conf `_ in :code:`/etc/icinga2/conf.d/` or in any other directory which Icinga2 is aware of. This file contains the definition of two :code:`Service` objects, one to check for host engaged alerts ("ntopng-icinga-host-health") and another one to check for host flow alerts ("ntopng-icinga-host-flows-health"). Those two files will automatically apply the services to all the Icinga2 monitored hosts. Finally, a bunch of constants should be configured to tell Icinga2 how to properly reach and authenticate to the ntopng REST API. Such constants go inside file :code:`constants.conf`, the same file used above to locate the :code:`PluginContribDir` directory. Constants are the following .. code:: bash # cat /etc/icinga2/constants.conf | grep Ntopng /* Ntopng */ const NtopngHost = "" const NtopngPort = 3000 const NtopngInterfaceId = 0 const NtopngUser = "admin" const NtopngPassword = "admin1" const NtopngUseSsl = false const NtopngUnsecureSsl = false :code:`NtopngHost` and :code:`NtopngPort` tell Icinga2 how to connect to the ntopng REST API and :code:`NtopngUseSsl` whether SSL has to be used for the connection (:code:`NtopngUnsecureSsl` set to true prevents the plugin from checking SSL certificates validity). When the ntopng authentication is enabled, :code:`NtopngUser` and :code:`NtopngPassword` are necessary to indicate a user/password pair which will be used by Icinga2 to authenticate to the REST API. Finally, :code:`NtopngInterfaceId` is used to tell Icinga2 the id of the ntopng interface which is responsible for the monitoring of traffic. Example ------- Let's say there is a ntopng instance running on :code:``. ntopng is monitoring two interfaces, namely the loopback :code:`lo` and :code:`enp2s0f0`, and it only responds to HTTPS requests on port :code:`443`. .. code:: bash ntopng -i lo -i enp2s0f0 -w 0 -W 443 Interface :code:`enp2s0f0` is connected to a mirror port of a switch and receives a copy of all the traffic of local network :code:``, local network which is also monitored by Icinga2. A user :code:`admin` is allowed to access the ntopng GUI, upon successful authentication with password :code:`ntopngIcinga2`. User :code:`admin`, by visiting the ntopng GUI page :code:`if_stats.lua`, finds out that :code:`enp2s0f0` has been assigned an :code:`id` equal to :code:`2` by ntopng. Given the information above, one would configure Icinga2 :code:`constants.conf` as follows .. code:: bash # cat /etc/icinga2/constants.conf | grep Ntopng /* Ntopng */ const NtopngHost = "" const NtopngPort = 443 const NtopngInterfaceId = 2 const NtopngUser = "admin" const NtopngPassword = "ntopngIcinga2" const NtopngUseSsl = true const NtopngUnsecureSsl = false After changing the :code:`constants.conf` one can restart Icinga2 to make sure changes become effective. After the restart, Icinga2 will take each of the monitored hosts in :code:`` and, by means of the plugin, will ask ntopng to see if there are any alerts, possibly changing its services from OK to CRITICAL.