.. _pfSenseIntegration: pfSense ######## ntopng Pro/Enterprise can be installed on pfsense using the command line. This requires the configuration of the FreeBSD repository (FreeBSD 14 for pfSense CE 2.7) as described at https://packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD/. .. warning:: ntopng will create files on your pfSense device to store traffic data. If you have a device with limited disk space, please configure ntopng to store only a few timeseries to disk othewise you might fill all the available disk space and make your system unstable. Repository Configuration ======================== Log into the pfsense Shell as administrator (select option 8). .. figure:: ../img/pfsense_shell.png :align: center :alt: pfsense Shell pfsense Shell And install the repository using the command provided at https://packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD/ (you can cut&paste the command below according to your pfSense edition). pfSense CE 2.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash pkg add https://packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD/FreeBSD:14:amd64/latest/ntop-1.0.pkg The output should look like the below. .. figure:: ../img/pfsense_repo_installation.png :align: center :alt: ntop Repo Installation ntop Repository Installation pfSense Plus 23.05.01 and later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Latest pfSense Plus is using a custom root certificate chain as default which is preventing the ntop repository package to be installed. In order to overcome this a manual change to the configuration is required. Create a text file /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/ntop.conf (note this contains the SSL_CA_CERT_FILE env variable used to specify the root file of the SSL certificates) with the below content, which contains information for the ntop repository: .. code:: text ntop: { env: { SSL_CA_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt }, fingerprints: "/usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/ntop", url: https://packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD/${ABI}/latest, signature_type: "fingerprints", priority: 100, enabled: yes } Then also create a text file /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/ntop/trusted/packages.ntop.org.20210108 with the below content: .. code:: text function: "sha256" fingerprint: "d912f631f592c3aebc4f59b25ee85b5118d24a50066c6013d736fa64eb0c4cd2" At this point you should be able to update and install packages from the repository. Package Installation ==================== .. note:: If you already have ntopng community build installed from the builtin repository, please remove it and also delete the data directory under */var/db/ntopng* to let the new package create it with the right permissions. Run the below command to install the ntopng package: .. code:: bash pkg install ntopng License Configuration ===================== .. note:: ntopng Community Edition is free of charge and does not require a license. Skip this section if you want to run ntopng in Community mode. Run the below command in order to get all the information required by the license generator (*Version* and *System ID*). .. code:: bash /usr/local/bin/ntopng -V The license should be installed under /usr/local/etc/ntopng.license .. code:: bash echo LICENSE_KEY > /usr/local/etc/ntopng.license ntopng Configuration ==================== A sample ntopng configuration file is located under /usr/local/etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf.sample, please copy it to /usr/local/etc/ntopng.conf (it is recommended to keep the 'ntopng' user as owner) and open it with the preferred editor in case the default settings should be modified. Add a new line with the *--community* option to run ntopng in Community mode. .. code:: bash cp /usr/local/etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf chown ntopng:ntopng /usr/local/etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf Services ======== ntopng depends on redis. Both ntopng and the redis service should be enabled: .. code:: bash sysrc redis_enable="YES" sysrc ntopng_enable="YES" To start the redis service type: .. code:: bash service redis start .. note:: If redis does not start, check out the Troubleshooting section below. To start the ntopng service run: .. code:: bash service ntopng start Starting Services on Boot ========================= pfSense ignore the standard :code:`rc.d` file. For this reason, to start redis and ntopng on boot, Shellcmd should be used. Install the Shellcmd package (System -> Package Manager -> Available Packages): .. figure:: ../img/pfsense_shellcmd_install.png :align: center :alt: pfsense Shellcmd Install pfsense Shellcmd Install Then, create two Shellcmd commands (Services -> Shellcmd -> Add), with :code:`service redis start` and :code:`service ntopng start`, respectively: .. figure:: ../img/pfsense_shellcmd_commands.png :align: center :alt: pfsense Shellcmd Install pfsense Shellcmd Install Now, a simple restart of pfSense, will start redis and ntopng automatically. Troubleshooting =============== .. note:: If you experience issues running the redis service on pfSense 2.4.x, please try upgrading your pfSense installation to 2.5 with *pfSense-upgrade* On certain versions of pfSense, redis fails to start automatically and it requires some intervention on configuration files. To check if redis has been started successfully run the following command: .. code:: bash ps aux | grep redis If the service has been started successfully, the command should output a line similar to: .. code:: bash root 91871 0.0 0.2 15184 4848 - Ss 08:06 0:00.99 redis-server: /usr/local/bin/redis-server *:6379 (redis-server) If the service has not been started, take the following actions to troubleshoot. First, check the log file :code:`/var/log/redis/redis.log` for errors such as .. code:: bash 42323:M 05 May 2021 09:15:01.808 # Short read or OOM loading DB. Unrecoverable error, aborting now. 42323:M 05 May 2021 09:15:01.808 # Internal error in RDB reading function at rdb.c:2124 -> Unexpected EOF reading RDB file Errors such as the one above may prevent redis to start. In this case, clear the redis data directory and try to restart it .. code:: bash rm -rf /var/db/redis/* service redis start The service may fail to start also because it is unable to write its pid file or because it is running without enough privileges. To make sure redis is able to write its pid file, change the pidfile path in redis configuration file :code:`/usr/local/etc/redis.conf` to .. code:: bash pidfile /var/run/redis.pid Then, also update the redis pidfile directive in the service file :code:`/usr/local/etc/rc.d/redis` to .. code:: bash pidfile="/var/run/$name.pid" Finally, if the service keeps refusing to start, also update the redis_user directive in the service file :code:`/usr/local/etc/rc.d/redis` to .. code:: bash : ${redis_user="root"} Now, if everything has been set up properly, redis can be started/stopped as .. code:: bash [root@pfSense.localdomain]/root: service redis stop Stopping redis. Waiting for PIDS: 87765. [root@pfSense.localdomain]/root: service redis start Starting redis. [root@pfSense.localdomain]/root: service redis status redis is running as pid 21581. [root@pfSense.localdomain]/root: service redis stop Stopping redis. Waiting for PIDS: 21581. Uninstall ========= To uninstall execute .. code:: bash pkg remove ntop ntopng This will remove both the repository and the package. To also wipe data (e.g., host timeseries) execute .. code:: bash rm -rf /var/db/ntopng Finally, disable Redis if no longer necessary .. code:: bash service redis disable