Installing from packages ======================== Ready-to-use PF_RING packages are available at, please follow the instructions on the same page for configuring the repository and install *pfring* and *pfring-dkms*. Optionally you can also install *pfring-drivers-zc-dkms* if you need the ZC drivers for line-rate capture on Intel adapters. This section guides you through the PF_RING configuration using the init scripts (init.d or systemctl according to your linux distribution) contained in the *pfring* package, to automate the kernel module and drivers loading. Alternatively please note that it is possible to automatically configure PF_RING and drivers using the *pf_ringcfg* script (since PF_RING 7.5) or through the nBox GUI. Configuration Wizard (pf_ringcfg) --------------------------------- Since PF_RING 7.5, the pfring package includes the *pf_ringcfg* script that can be used to automatically create a configuration for the PF_RING kernel module and drivers. This is supposed to work in most cases, however for specific/custom configurations please refer to the *Manual Configuration* settings. Configuring and loading the ZC driver for an interface with *pf_ringcfg* is straightforward, it can be done in a few steps: 1. Configure the repository as explained at and install the *pfring* package which includes the pf_ringcfg script (example for Ubuntu below): .. code-block:: console apt-get install pfring 2. List the interfaces and check the driver model: .. code-block:: console pf_ringcfg --list-interfaces Name: em1 Driver: igb [Supported by ZC] Name: p1p2 Driver: ixgbe [Supported by ZC] Name: p1p1 Driver: ixgbe [Supported by ZC] Name: em2 Driver: e1000e [Supported by ZC] 3. Configure and load the driver specifying the driver model and (optionally) the number of RSS queues per interface: .. code-block:: console pf_ringcfg --configure-driver ixgbe --rss-queues 1 4. Check that the driver has been successfully loaded by looking for 'Running ZC': .. code-block:: console pf_ringcfg --list-interfaces Name: em1 Driver: igb [Supported by ZC] Name: p1p2 Driver: ixgbe [Running ZC] Name: p1p1 Driver: ixgbe [Running ZC] Name: em2 Driver: e1000e [Supported by ZC] Manual Configuration -------------------- The init script acts as follows: 1. it loads the pf_ring.ko kernel module reading the module parameters from /etc/pf_ring/pf_ring.conf 2. it scans /etc/pf_ring/zc/{e1000e,igb,ixgbe,ixgbevf,i40e,iavf,ice,mlx}/ searching for the drivers configuration files: - {e1000e,igb,ixgbe,ixgbevf,i40e,iavf,ice,mlx}.conf containing the driver parameters - {e1000e,igb,ixgbe,ixgbevf,i40e,iavf,ice,mlx}.start that should be just an empty file 3. it loads the drivers whose corresponding {e1000e,igb,ixgbe,ixgbevf,i40e,iavf,ice,mlx}.start file is present, unloading the vanilla driver. 4. if a ZC driver has been loaded, it configures hugepages reading the configuration from /etc/pf_ring/hugepages.conf. Each line (one per CPU) of the configuration file should contain: .. code-block:: console node= hugepagenumber= [gid=] Below you can find a **basic configuration** example for using PF_RING with **standard drivers** on Ubuntu using systemd. In this example we tune the kernel buffer size (min_num_slots parameter) to improve the performance and absorbe traffic bursts: .. code-block:: console apt-get install pfring-dkms echo "min_num_slots=65536" > /etc/pf_ring/pf_ring.conf systemctl restart pf_ring In order to use pf_ring with ZC drivers, you need first of all to figure out what is the driver model of your network card. Please use ethtool -i for that. Example: .. code-block:: console ethtool -i eth1 | grep driver driver: ixgbe Below you can find a **basic configuration** example for a dual-port **ixgbe** card with **ZC drivers** on Ubuntu using systemd, the configuration for other card models is similar (replace ixgbe with your actual driver family). .. code-block:: console apt-get install pfring-dkms pfring-drivers-zc-dkms mkdir -p /etc/pf_ring/zc/ixgbe echo "RSS=1,1" | tee /etc/pf_ring/zc/ixgbe/ixgbe.conf touch /etc/pf_ring/zc/ixgbe/ixgbe.start echo "node=0 hugepagenumber=1024" | tee /etc/pf_ring/hugepages.conf systemctl restart pf_ring Please note that in this configuration RSS is disabled (RSS=1 means single queue). For learning more about RSS and enable multiple queues for hw traffic distribution please read the `RSS `_ section. Below you can find what the /etc/pf_ring folder is supposed to contain after creating the configuration as described in the example above. .. code-block:: console tree /etc/pf_ring/ |-- hugepages.conf |-- pf_ring.conf `-- zc `-- ixgbe |-- ixgbe.conf `-- ixgbe.start In order to run the init script, after all the files have been configured, if your system is using systemd run: .. code-block:: console systemctl restart pf_ring Otherwise you can use the init.d script: .. code-block:: console touch /etc/pf_ring/pf_ring.start /etc/init.d/pf_ring start You can check that the ZC driver is actually running with: .. code-block:: console cat /proc/net/pf_ring/dev/eth1/info | grep ZC Polling Mode: ZC/NAPI Note: If you're trying to load a ZC driver on a card that you're currently using as management, you may need to force it creating a `forcestart` configuration file. _(Warning: This may break network connectivity, do not attempt on a remote system with no recovery options.)_ .. code-block:: console touch /etc/pf_ring/forcestart Alternatively you can explicitly tell to the init script which are the interfaces you are using as management, and those that you want to use for packet capture, creating a configuration file /etc/pf_ring/interfaces.conf containing: .. code-block:: console MANAGEMENT_INTERFACES="eth0 eth1" CAPTURE_INTERFACES="eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5" If you are forcing pf_ring to reload a driver which is in use by the management interface, you probably need to reconfigure the interface after the ZC driver has been loaded. The systemd script supports custom *post* scripts (as well as *pre* scripts) that are executed just after loading the pf_ring module and drivers, all you need to do is to create a /etc/pf_ring/post script as in the example below: .. code-block:: console echo "ifconfig eth0" > /etc/pf_ring/post chmod +x /etc/pf_ring/post Virtual Functions Configuration ------------------------------- PF_RING provides ZC drivers also for (ixgbe/ixgbevf and i40e/iavf) Virtual Function interfaces. Enabling and configuring Virtual Functions on a physical interface requires a few steps. First of all the kernel should be configured to enable the creation of Virtual Functions, by adding at least the *pci=assign-busses* parameter to the grub parameters. Example: .. code-block:: console cat /etc/default/grub | grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="iommu=1 msi=1 pci=assign-busses intel_iommu=on" This change needs to be applied with update-grub and the system should be restarted. .. code-block:: console update-grub reboot As second step the Virtual Functions should be created via /sys fs, by specifying the number of Virtual Function we want to enable for each physical interface. Some additional configuration via *ip* command is also required to run the Virtual Function in promiscuous mode (*trust* mode) or to assign a VLAN. This can be automated using *pre*/*post* scripts. Example: .. code-block:: console cat /etc/pf_ring/zc/iavf/iavf.pre echo '2' > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$(ethtool -i enp1s0f1 | grep bus-info | cut -d ' ' -f2)/sriov_numvfs ip link set enp1s0f1 vf 0 vlan 10 ip link set dev enp1s0f1 vf 0 trust on Add execution rights to the scritp to enable it: .. code-block:: console chmod +x /etc/pf_ring/zc/iavf/iavf.pre Traffic Balancer Configuration ------------------------------ PF_RING includes a versatile traffic balancer application named zbalance_ipc that can be used to distribute traffic across applications. `Here `_ you can read more about its configuration and startup options.