Silicom/Fiberblaze Support ========================== Prerequisites ------------- Install the Fiberblaze package: .. code-block:: console mkdir /opt/fiberblaze && tar xvzf fbcapture__release_.tar.gz -C /opt/fiberblaze Load the driver: .. code-block:: console echo 34359738368 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax echo 34359738368 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall echo 2048 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages export PATH=/opt/fiberblaze/bin:$PATH echo "/opt/fiberblaze/lib" > /etc/; ldconfig cd /opt/fiberblaze/driver; make; ./ hugepages='2G'; cd - cd /opt/fiberblaze/bin; ./configurecard --device fbcard0 --configuration ../fbcard.cfg; cd - Receive Traffic --------------- Since version 7.7 the naming convention for RX groups, subgroups and RPB rings (as specified in the configuration file fbcard.cfg used by configurecard) follows the Fiberblaze convention: fbcard:CARD_ID:PRB_NAME, where CARD_ID is the id of the card we want to open, PRB_NAME is the Fiberblaze PRB name. For example, if two PRBs are configured in the PRB group *a*, the PRB interface names are: .. code-block:: text fbcard:0:a00 fbcard:0:a01 If two PRBs are configured with PRB group *a* and PRB sub group *b*, the PRB names are: .. code-block:: text fbcard:0:a/b00 fbcard:0:a/b01 Example of group configuration with 8 PRB rings using hashing in /opt/fiberblaze/fbcard.cfg: .. code-block:: text prbGroup "b" { noPrbs 8 hash HashPacket filter "hash" } Example receiving packets from card 0, group *b*, ring 0, with PF_RING 7.7 or later: .. code-block:: console pfcount -i fbcard:0:b00 If you want to open a single port instead of all ports on a card, you can specify input = PORT_ID in the filter section: .. code-block:: console prbGroup "a" { noPrbs 1 filter "input = 0" } PF_RING <= 7.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On older PF_RING version (earlier than version 7.7), the naming convention for RX was fbcard:CARD_ID:GROUP_NAME:GROUP_RING_ID where CARD_ID is the id of the card we want to open, GROUP_NAME is the name of the group specified in the configuration file fbcard.cfg used by configurecard, and RING_ID (in case of traffic hashing, i.e. Fiberblaze's RSS) if the id of the PRBs. For example, if two PRBs are configured in the PRB group *b*, the PRB interface names in this case are: .. code-block:: text fbcard:0:b:0 fbcard:0:b:1 Transmit Traffic ---------------- The naming convention for TX is fbcard:CARD_ID:PORT_ID. If you have a 4 port NIC, the PORT_ID will be 0 to 3. Example (send packets from port 1 of cardId 0): .. code-block:: console pfsend -i fbcard:0:1