8. Myricom Support

8.1. Prerequisite

Myricom SNF v3 or v4 installed.

PF_RING has native support for Myricom adapters, the Myricom library needs to be installed (under /opt/snf) in order to enable the Myricom module at runtime.

8.2. Installation

In order to get up and running with Myricom just run the following commands.

Firmware update (usually not needed):

tar xvf phx-tools-*.tar
cd phx-tools
./bin/phx-replace-eeprom ./fw-8D-Q-1.4.1.rpd

Myricom SNF library installation:

tar xvf myri_snf-*.x86_64.tar
mv myri_snf-*.x86_64 /opt/snf


Myricom service start:

/opt/snf/sbin/myri_start_stop start

If you are compiling PF_RING from sources:

cd PF_RING/kernel && make && sudo insmod pf_ring.ko
cd ../userland/lib && ./configure && make
cd ../libpcap && ./configure && make
cd ../examples && make

sudo ./pfcount -i myri:0

If you are installing from repository:

pfcount -i myri:0

Please note that in order to open port 0 from the Myricom adapter you should specify “myri:0”

8.2.1. Multi-process traffic duplication


pfcount -i myri:A1P0
pfcount -i myri:A2P0

Where A1 means APP ID 1, P0 means Port 0


SNF_APP_ID=1 pfcount -i myri:0
SNF_APP_ID=2 pfcount -i myri:0

8.2.2. Multi-process traffic sharing (RSS)


pfcount -i myri:A1R2P0@0
pfcount -i myri:A1R2P0@1

Where A1 means APP ID 1, R2 means RSS with 2 Rings, P0 means Port 0, @0 means Ring 0


SNF_APP_ID=1 SNF_NUM_RINGS=2 SNF_RING_ID=0 pfcount -i myri:0
SNF_APP_ID=1 SNF_NUM_RINGS=2 SNF_RING_ID=1 pfcount -i myri:0

8.2.3. Ports aggregation


pfcount -i myri:0,1


SNF_FLAGS=0x2 ./pfcount -i myri:3

Where 3 is a mask, including port 0 and 1.