API documentation for PF_RING: high-speed packet capture, filtering and analysis framework.
pfring.h File Reference

PF_RING library header file. More...

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <linux/pf_ring.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  pfring_card_settings
struct  pfring_stat
struct  pfring_chunk_info
struct  pfring_bpf_program
struct  pfring_if
struct  __pfring
struct  pfring_module_info
struct  thirdparty_func


#define MAX_CAPLEN   65535
#define PAGE_SIZE   4096
#define POLL_SLEEP_STEP   10 /* ns = 0.1 ms */
#define POLL_SLEEP_MAX   1000 /* ns */
#define POLL_QUEUE_MIN_LEN   500 /* # packets */
#define pfring_rwlock_t   pthread_rwlock_t
#define pfring_rwlock_init   pthread_rwlock_init
#define pfring_rwlock_rdlock   pthread_rwlock_rdlock
#define pfring_rwlock_wrlock   pthread_rwlock_wrlock
#define pfring_rwlock_unlock   pthread_rwlock_unlock
#define pfring_rwlock_destroy   pthread_rwlock_destroy
#define timespec_is_before(a, b)   ((((a)->tv_sec<(b)->tv_sec)||(((a)->tv_sec==(b)->tv_sec)&&((a)->tv_nsec<(b)->tv_nsec)))?1:0)
#define likely(x)   __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x)   __builtin_expect((x),0)
#define prefetch(x)   __asm volatile("prefetcht0 %0" :: "m" (*(const unsigned long *)x));
#define PF_RING_ZC_SYMMETRIC_RSS   (1 << 0)
#define PF_RING_REENTRANT   (1 << 1)
#define PF_RING_LONG_HEADER   (1 << 2)
#define PF_RING_PROMISC   (1 << 3)
#define PF_RING_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 4)
#define PF_RING_HW_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 5)
#define PF_RING_RX_PACKET_BOUNCE   (1 << 6)
#define PF_RING_ZC_FIXED_RSS_Q_0   (1 << 7)
#define PF_RING_STRIP_HW_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 8)
#define PF_RING_DO_NOT_PARSE   (1 << 9)
#define PF_RING_DO_NOT_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 10)
#define PF_RING_CHUNK_MODE   (1 << 11)
#define PF_RING_IXIA_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 12)
#define PF_RING_USERSPACE_BPF   (1 << 13)
#define PF_RING_ZC_NOT_REPROGRAM_RSS   (1 << 14)
#define PF_RING_VSS_APCON_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 15)
#define PF_RING_ZC_IPONLY_RSS   (1 << 16)
#define PF_RING_FLOW_OFFLOAD   (1 << 17)
#define PF_RING_L7_FILTERING   (1 << 20)


typedef void(* pfringProcesssPacket) (const struct pfring_pkthdr *h, const u_char *p, const u_char *user_bytes)
typedef struct __pfring pfring
typedef struct pfring_if pfring_if_t


enum  filtering_mode { hardware_and_software = 0, hardware_only, software_only }
enum  packet_slicing_level { FULL_PACKET_SLICING = 0, L2_SLICING = 2, L3_SLICING = 3, L4_SLICING = 4 }


pfringpfring_open (const char *device_name, u_int32_t caplen, u_int32_t flags)
u_int8_t pfring_open_multichannel (const char *device_name, u_int32_t caplen, u_int32_t flags, pfring *ring[MAX_NUM_RX_CHANNELS])
void pfring_shutdown (pfring *ring)
void pfring_config (u_short cpu_percentage)
int pfring_loop (pfring *ring, pfringProcesssPacket looper, const u_char *user_bytes, u_int8_t wait_for_packet)
void pfring_breakloop (pfring *)
void pfring_close (pfring *ring)
int pfring_stats (pfring *ring, pfring_stat *stats)
int pfring_recv (pfring *ring, u_char **buffer, u_int buffer_len, struct pfring_pkthdr *hdr, u_int8_t wait_for_incoming_packet)
int pfring_recv_parsed (pfring *ring, u_char **buffer, u_int buffer_len, struct pfring_pkthdr *hdr, u_int8_t wait_for_incoming_packet, u_int8_t level, u_int8_t add_timestamp, u_int8_t add_hash)
int pfring_get_metadata (pfring *ring, u_char **metadata, u_int32_t *metadata_len)
int pfring_set_poll_watermark (pfring *ring, u_int16_t watermark)
int pfring_set_poll_watermark_timeout (pfring *ring, u_int16_t poll_watermark_timeout)
int pfring_set_poll_duration (pfring *ring, u_int duration)
int pfring_set_tx_watermark (pfring *ring, u_int16_t watermark)
int pfring_add_hw_rule (pfring *ring, hw_filtering_rule *rule)
int pfring_remove_hw_rule (pfring *ring, u_int16_t rule_id)
int pfring_set_channel_id (pfring *ring, u_int32_t channel_id)
int pfring_set_channel_mask (pfring *ring, u_int64_t channel_mask)
int pfring_set_application_name (pfring *ring, char *name)
int pfring_set_application_stats (pfring *ring, char *stats)
char * pfring_get_appl_stats_file_name (pfring *ring, char *path, u_int path_len)
int pfring_set_vlan_id (pfring *ring, u_int16_t vlan_id)
int pfring_bind (pfring *ring, char *device_name)
int pfring_send (pfring *ring, char *pkt, u_int pkt_len, u_int8_t flush_packet)
int pfring_send_get_time (pfring *ring, char *pkt, u_int pkt_len, struct timespec *ts)
u_int8_t pfring_get_num_rx_channels (pfring *ring)
int pfring_set_sampling_rate (pfring *ring, u_int32_t rate)
int pfring_set_packet_slicing (pfring *ring, packet_slicing_level level, u_int32_t additional_bytes)
int pfring_get_selectable_fd (pfring *ring)
int pfring_set_direction (pfring *ring, packet_direction direction)
int pfring_set_socket_mode (pfring *ring, socket_mode mode)
int pfring_set_cluster (pfring *ring, u_int clusterId, cluster_type the_type)
int pfring_remove_from_cluster (pfring *ring)
int pfring_set_master_id (pfring *ring, u_int32_t master_id)
int pfring_set_master (pfring *ring, pfring *master)
u_int32_t pfring_get_ring_id (pfring *ring)
u_int32_t pfring_get_num_queued_pkts (pfring *ring)
int pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule (pfring *ring, hash_filtering_rule *rule_to_add, u_char add_rule)
int pfring_add_filtering_rule (pfring *ring, filtering_rule *rule_to_add)
int pfring_remove_filtering_rule (pfring *ring, u_int16_t rule_id)
int pfring_purge_idle_hash_rules (pfring *ring, u_int16_t inactivity_sec)
int pfring_purge_idle_rules (pfring *ring, u_int16_t inactivity_sec)
int pfring_get_hash_filtering_rule_stats (pfring *ring, hash_filtering_rule *rule, char *stats, u_int *stats_len)
int pfring_get_filtering_rule_stats (pfring *ring, u_int16_t rule_id, char *stats, u_int *stats_len)
int pfring_toggle_filtering_policy (pfring *ring, u_int8_t rules_default_accept_policy)
int pfring_enable_rss_rehash (pfring *ring)
int pfring_poll (pfring *ring, u_int wait_duration)
int pfring_is_pkt_available (pfring *ring)
int pfring_next_pkt_time (pfring *ring, struct timespec *ts)
int pfring_next_pkt_raw_timestamp (pfring *ring, u_int64_t *timestamp_ns)
void pfring_version_noring (u_int32_t *version)
int pfring_version (pfring *ring, u_int32_t *version)
int pfring_set_reflector_device (pfring *ring, char *device_name)
int pfring_get_bound_device_address (pfring *ring, u_char mac_address[6])
u_int16_t pfring_get_slot_header_len (pfring *ring)
int pfring_get_bound_device_ifindex (pfring *ring, int *if_index)
int pfring_get_device_ifindex (pfring *ring, char *device_name, int *if_index)
int pfring_set_virtual_device (pfring *ring, virtual_filtering_device_info *info)
int pfring_loopback_test (pfring *ring, char *buffer, u_int buffer_len, u_int test_len)
int pfring_enable_ring (pfring *ring)
int pfring_disable_ring (pfring *ring)
int pfring_set_bpf_filter (pfring *ring, char *filter_buffer)
int pfring_remove_bpf_filter (pfring *ring)
int pfring_set_filtering_mode (pfring *ring, filtering_mode mode)
int pfring_get_device_clock (pfring *ring, struct timespec *ts)
int pfring_set_device_clock (pfring *ring, struct timespec *ts)
int pfring_adjust_device_clock (pfring *ring, struct timespec *offset, int8_t sign)
void pfring_sync_indexes_with_kernel (pfring *ring)
int pfring_send_last_rx_packet (pfring *ring, int tx_interface_id)
int pfring_get_link_status (pfring *ring)
int pfring_flush_tx_packets (pfring *ring)
int pfring_search_payload (pfring *ring, char *string_to_search)
int pfring_parse_pkt (u_char *pkt, struct pfring_pkthdr *hdr, u_int8_t level, u_int8_t add_timestamp, u_int8_t add_hash)
int pfring_set_if_promisc (const char *device, int set_promisc)
int pfring_set_promisc (pfring *ring, int set_promisc)
char * pfring_format_numbers (double val, char *buf, u_int buf_len, u_int8_t add_decimals)
int pfring_enable_hw_timestamp (pfring *ring, char *device_name, u_int8_t enable_rx, u_int8_t enable_tx)
int pfring_get_mtu_size (pfring *ring)
int pfring_get_card_settings (pfring *ring, pfring_card_settings *settings)
int pfring_print_parsed_pkt (char *buff, u_int buff_len, const u_char *p, const struct pfring_pkthdr *h)
int pfring_print_pkt (char *buff, u_int buff_len, const u_char *p, u_int len, u_int caplen)
int pfring_recv_chunk (pfring *ring, void **chunk, pfring_chunk_info *chunk_info, u_int8_t wait_for_incoming_chunk)
int pfring_set_bound_dev_name (pfring *ring, char *custom_dev_name)
int pfring_read_ixia_hw_timestamp (u_char *buffer, u_int32_t buffer_len, struct timespec *ts)
void pfring_handle_ixia_hw_timestamp (u_char *buffer, struct pfring_pkthdr *hdr)
int pfring_read_vss_apcon_hw_timestamp (u_char *buffer, u_int32_t buffer_len, struct timespec *ts)
void pfring_handle_vss_apcon_hw_timestamp (u_char *buffer, struct pfring_pkthdr *hdr)
u_int32_t pfring_get_interface_speed (pfring *ring)
pfring_if_tpfring_findalldevs (void)
void pfring_freealldevs (pfring_if_t *list)
int pfring_parse_bpf_filter (char *filter_buffer, u_int caplen, struct pfring_bpf_program *filter)
void pfring_free_bpf_filter (struct pfring_bpf_program *filter)
u_int32_t pfring_bpf_filter (void *bpf_insn, u_char *buffer, u_int32_t caplen, u_int32_t len)
int32_t gmt_to_local (time_t t)
void pfring_thirdparty_lib_init (const char *thirdparty_lib_name, struct thirdparty_func thirdparty_function_ptr[])

Detailed Description

PF_RING library header file.

This header file must be included in any PF_RING-based applications.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PF_RING_CHUNK_MODE   (1 << 11)

pfring_open() flag: Enable chunk mode operations. This mode is supported only by specific adapters and it's not for general purpose.


#define PF_RING_DO_NOT_PARSE   (1 << 9)

pfring_open() flag: Disable packet parsing also when 1-copy is used. (parsing already disabled in zero-copy)


#define PF_RING_DO_NOT_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 10)

pfring_open() flag: Disable packet timestamping also when 1-copy is used. (sw timestamp already disabled in zero-copy)


#define PF_RING_FLOW_OFFLOAD   (1 << 17)

pfring_open() flag: Enable hw flow table support when available



pfring_open() flag: Do not send raw packets with PF_RING_FLOW_OFFLOAD



pfring_open() flag: Do not send flow updates with PF_RING_FLOW_OFFLOAD (enable support for flows shunting only)


#define PF_RING_HW_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 5)

pfring_open() flag: Enable hw timestamping, when available.


#define PF_RING_IXIA_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 12)

pfring_open() flag: Enable hardware timestamp support+stripping.


#define PF_RING_L7_FILTERING   (1 << 20)

pfring_open() flag: Enable L7 filtering support based on PF_RING FT (Flow Table with nDPI support)


#define PF_RING_LONG_HEADER   (1 << 2)

pfring_open() flag: If uset, PF_RING does not fill the field extended_hdr of struct pfring_pkthdr. If set, the extended_hdr field is also properly filled. In case you do not need extended information, set this value to 0 in order to speedup the operation.


#define PF_RING_PROMISC   (1 << 3)

pfring_open() flag: The device is open in promiscuous mode.


#define PF_RING_REENTRANT   (1 << 1)

pfring_open() flag: The device is open in reentrant mode. This is implemented by means of semaphores and it results is slightly worse performance. Use reentrant mode only for multithreaded applications.


#define PF_RING_RX_PACKET_BOUNCE   (1 << 6)

pfring_open() flag: Enable fast forwarding support (see pfring_send_last_rx_packet()).


#define PF_RING_STRIP_HW_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 8)

pfring_open() flag: Strip hw timestamp from the packet.


#define PF_RING_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 4)

pfring_open() flag: Force PF_RING to set the timestamp on received packets (usually it is not set when using zero-copy, for optimizing performance).


#define PF_RING_USERSPACE_BPF   (1 << 13)

pfring_open() flag: Force userspace bpf even with standard drivers (not only with ZC).


#define PF_RING_VSS_APCON_TIMESTAMP   (1 << 15)

pfring_open() flag: Enable hardware timestamp support+stripping.


#define PF_RING_ZC_FIXED_RSS_Q_0   (1 << 7)

pfring_open() flag: Set hw RSS to send all traffic to queue 0. Other queues can be selected using hw filters (ZC cards with hw filtering only).


#define PF_RING_ZC_IPONLY_RSS   (1 << 16)

pfring_open() flag: Compute RSS on src/dst IP only (not 4-tuple)


#define PF_RING_ZC_NOT_REPROGRAM_RSS   (1 << 14)

pfring_open() flag: Do not touch/reprogram hw RSS


#define PF_RING_ZC_SYMMETRIC_RSS   (1 << 0)

pfring_open() flag: Set the hw RSS function to symmetric mode (both directions of the same flow go to the same hw queue). Supported by ZC drivers only. This option is also available with the PF_RING-aware libpcap via the PCAP_PF_RING_ZC_RSS environment variable.

Function Documentation

◆ pfring_add_filtering_rule()

int pfring_add_filtering_rule ( pfring ring,
filtering_rule *  rule_to_add 

Add a wildcard filtering rule to an existing ring. Each rule will have a unique rule Id across the ring (i.e. two rings can have rules with the same id).

PF_RING allows filtering packets in two ways: precise (a.k.a. hash filtering) or wildcard filtering. Precise filtering is used when it is necessary to track a precise 6-tuple connection <vlan Id, protocol, source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port>. Wildcard filtering is used instead whenever a filter can have wildcards on some of its fields (e.g. match all UDP packets regardless of their destination). If some field is set to zero it will not participate in filter calculation.

Note about packet reflection: packet reflection is the ability to bridge packets in kernel without sending them to userspace and back. You can specify packet reflection inside the filtering rules.

typedef struct { ... char reflector_device_name[REFLECTOR_NAME_LEN]; ... } filtering_rule;

In the reflector_device_name you need to specify a device name (e.g. eth0) on which packets matching the filter will be reflected. Make sure NOT to specify as reflection device the same device name on which you capture packets, as otherwise you will create a packet loop.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be added.
rule_to_addThe rule to add as defined in the last chapter of this document.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_add_hw_rule()

int pfring_add_hw_rule ( pfring ring,
hw_filtering_rule *  rule 

Set a specified filtering rule into the NIC. Note that no PF_RING filter is added, but only a NIC filter.

Some multi-queue modern network adapters feature "packet steering" capabilities. Using them it is possible to instruct the hardware NIC to assign selected packets to a specific RX queue. If the specified queue has an Id that exceeds the maximum queueId, such packet is discarded thus acting as a hardware firewall filter. Note: kernel packet filtering is not supported by ZC.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be added.
ruleThe filtering rule to be set in the NIC as defined in the last chapter of this document. All rule parameters should be defined, and if set to zero they do not participate to filtering.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise (e.g. the rule to be added has wrong format or if the NIC to which this ring is bound does not support hardware filters).

◆ pfring_adjust_device_clock()

int pfring_adjust_device_clock ( pfring ring,
struct timespec *  offset,
int8_t  sign 

Adjust the time in the device hardware clock with an offset, when the adapter supports hardware timestamping.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
offsetThe time offset.
signThe offset sign.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_bind()

int pfring_bind ( pfring ring,
char *  device_name 

Bind a socket to a device.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
device_nameThe device name.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_breakloop()

void pfring_breakloop ( pfring )

Break a receive loop (pfring_loop() or blocking pfring_recv()).

ringThe PF_RING handle.

◆ pfring_close()

void pfring_close ( pfring ring)

This call is used to terminate an PF_RING device previously open. Note that you must always close a device before leaving an application. If unsure, you can close a device from a signal handler.

ringThe PF_RING handle that we are attempting to close.

◆ pfring_config()

void pfring_config ( u_short  cpu_percentage)

Set the scheduler priority for the current thread.

cpu_percentageThe priority.

◆ pfring_disable_ring()

int pfring_disable_ring ( pfring ring)

Disable a ring.

ringThe PF_RING handle to disable.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_enable_hw_timestamp()

int pfring_enable_hw_timestamp ( pfring ring,
char *  device_name,
u_int8_t  enable_rx,
u_int8_t  enable_tx 

Enables rx and tx hardware timestamping, when the adapter supports it.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
device_nameThe name of the device where timestamping will be enabled.
enable_rxFlag to enable rx timestamping.
enable_txFlag to enable tx timestamping.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_enable_ring()

int pfring_enable_ring ( pfring ring)

When a ring is created, it is not enabled (i.e. incoming packets are dropped) until the above function is called.

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise (e.g. the ring cannot be enabled).

◆ pfring_enable_rss_rehash()

int pfring_enable_rss_rehash ( pfring ring)

Tells PF_RING to rehash incoming packets using a bi-directional hash function. This is also available with the PF_RING-aware libpcap via the PCAP_PF_RING_RSS_REHASH environment variable.

ringThe PF_RING handle to query.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_findalldevs()

pfring_if_t* pfring_findalldevs ( void  )

List all interfaces.

The interface list.

◆ pfring_flush_tx_packets()

int pfring_flush_tx_packets ( pfring ring)

Synchronizes the egress ring indexes/registers flushing enqueued packets.

ringThe PF_RING handle.

◆ pfring_format_numbers()

char* pfring_format_numbers ( double  val,
char *  buf,
u_int  buf_len,
u_int8_t  add_decimals 

Format a number.

valThe value.
bufThe destination buffer.
buf_lenThe destination buffer length.
add_decimalsA flag indicating whether to add decimals.
The produced string.

◆ pfring_freealldevs()

void pfring_freealldevs ( pfring_if_t list)

Free an interface list returned by pfring_findalldevs().

listThe interface list.

◆ pfring_get_appl_stats_file_name()

char* pfring_get_appl_stats_file_name ( pfring ring,
char *  path,
u_int  path_len 

Return the filename where the application statistics can be read.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
pathA user-allocated buffer on which the stats filename will be stored.
path_lenThe path len.
The path if success, NULL otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_bound_device_address()

int pfring_get_bound_device_address ( pfring ring,
u_char  mac_address[6] 

Returns the MAC address of the device bound to the socket.

ringThe PF_RING handle to query.
mac_addressThe memory area where the MAC address will be copied.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_bound_device_ifindex()

int pfring_get_bound_device_ifindex ( pfring ring,
int *  if_index 

Returns the interface index of the device bound to the socket.

ringThe PF_RING handle to query.
if_indexThe memory area where the interface index will be copied
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_card_settings()

int pfring_get_card_settings ( pfring ring,
pfring_card_settings settings 

Return NIC settings: max packet length, num rx/tx slots (ZC only).

ringThe PF_RING handle.
settingsThe card settings (output).
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_device_clock()

int pfring_get_device_clock ( pfring ring,
struct timespec *  ts 

Reads the time from the device hardware clock, when the adapter supports hardware timestamping.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
tsThe struct where time will be stored.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_device_ifindex()

int pfring_get_device_ifindex ( pfring ring,
char *  device_name,
int *  if_index 

Return the interface index of the provided device.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
device_nameThe device name.
if_indexThe memory area for storing the interface index.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_filtering_rule_stats()

int pfring_get_filtering_rule_stats ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  rule_id,
char *  stats,
u_int *  stats_len 

Read statistics of a hash filtering rule.

ringThe PF_RING handle from which stats will be read.
rule_idThe rule id that identifies the rule for which stats are read.
statsA buffer allocated by the user that will contain the rule statistics. Please make sure that the buffer is large enough to contain the statistics. Such buffer will contain number of received and dropped packets.
stats_lenThe size (in bytes) of the stats buffer.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise (e.g. the rule does not exist).

◆ pfring_get_hash_filtering_rule_stats()

int pfring_get_hash_filtering_rule_stats ( pfring ring,
hash_filtering_rule *  rule,
char *  stats,
u_int *  stats_len 

Read statistics of a hash filtering rule.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be added/removed.
ruleThe rule for which stats are read. This needs to be the same rule that has been previously added.
statsA buffer allocated by the user that will contain the rule statistics. Please make sure that the buffer is large enough to contain the statistics (hash_filtering_rule_stats struct).
stats_lenThe size (in bytes) of the stats buffer.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise (e.g. the rule to be removed does not exist).

◆ pfring_get_interface_speed()

u_int32_t pfring_get_interface_speed ( pfring ring)

Get interface speed.

0 if interface speed is unknown, the interface speed (Mbit/s) otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_link_status()

int pfring_get_link_status ( pfring ring)

Return the link status.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
1 if link is up, 0 otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_metadata()

int pfring_get_metadata ( pfring ring,
u_char **  metadata,
u_int32_t *  metadata_len 

Get metadata for the last captured packet, if any. This is usually used with ZC SPSC queues for reading packet metadata.

metadataPtr to a variable that will contain the packet metadata (out).
0 if this is supported by the actual module and metadata is found, a negative error value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_mtu_size()

int pfring_get_mtu_size ( pfring ring)

Return the size of the MTU.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
The MTU size on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_get_num_queued_pkts()

u_int32_t pfring_get_num_queued_pkts ( pfring ring)

Return an estimation of the enqueued packets.

ringThe PF_RING handle.

◆ pfring_get_num_rx_channels()

u_int8_t pfring_get_num_rx_channels ( pfring ring)

Returns the number of RX channels (also known as RX queues) of the ethernet interface to which this ring is bound.

ringThe PF_RING handle to query.
The number of RX channels, or 1 (default) in case this in information is unknown.

◆ pfring_get_ring_id()

u_int32_t pfring_get_ring_id ( pfring ring)

Return the ring id.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
The ring id.

◆ pfring_get_selectable_fd()

int pfring_get_selectable_fd ( pfring ring)

Returns the file descriptor associated to the specified ring. This number can be used in function calls such as poll() and select() for passively waiting for incoming packets.

ringThe PF_RING handle to query.
A number that can be used as reference to this ring, in function calls that require a selectable file descriptor.

◆ pfring_get_slot_header_len()

u_int16_t pfring_get_slot_header_len ( pfring ring)

Return the size of the PF_RING packet header (vanilla PF_RING only).

ringThe PF_RING handle.
The size of the packet header.

◆ pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule()

int pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule ( pfring ring,
hash_filtering_rule *  rule_to_add,
u_char  add_rule 

Add or remove a hash filtering rule. All rule parameters should be defined in the filtering rule (no wildcards).

ringThe PF_RING handle from which stats will be read.
rule_to_addThe rule that will be added/removed as defined in the last chapter of this document. All rule parameters should be defined in the filtering rule (no wildcards).
add_ruleIf set to a positive value the rule is added, if zero the rule is removed.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise (e.g. the rule to be removed does not exist).

◆ pfring_handle_ixia_hw_timestamp()

void pfring_handle_ixia_hw_timestamp ( u_char *  buffer,
struct pfring_pkthdr hdr 

Strip a IXIA-formatted timestamp from an incoming packet. If the timestamp is found, the hdr parameter (caplen and len fields) are decreased by the size of the timestamp.

bufferIncoming packet buffer.
hdrThis is an in/out parameter: it is used to read the original packet len, and it is updated (size decreased) if the hw timestamp is found
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_handle_vss_apcon_hw_timestamp()

void pfring_handle_vss_apcon_hw_timestamp ( u_char *  buffer,
struct pfring_pkthdr hdr 

Strip an VSS/APCON-formatted timestamp from an incoming packet. If the timestamp is found, the hdr parameter (caplen and len fields) are decreased by the size of the timestamp.

bufferIncoming packet buffer.
hdrThis is an in/out parameter: it is used to read the original packet len, and it is updated (size decreased) if the hw timestamp is found
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_is_pkt_available()

int pfring_is_pkt_available ( pfring ring)

Check if a packet is available.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
1 if a packet is available, 0 otherwise.

◆ pfring_loop()

int pfring_loop ( pfring ring,
pfringProcesssPacket  looper,
const u_char *  user_bytes,
u_int8_t  wait_for_packet 

Process ingress packets until pfring_breakloop() is called, or an error occurs.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
looperThe user callback for packet processing.
user_bytesThe user ptr passed to the callback.
wait_for_packetIf 0 active wait is used to check the packet availability.
0 on success (pfring_breakloop()), a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_loopback_test()

int pfring_loopback_test ( pfring ring,
char *  buffer,
u_int  buffer_len,
u_int  test_len 

This call processes packets until pfring_breakloop() is called or an error occurs.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
looperA callback to be called for each received packet. The parameters passed to this routine are: a pointer to a struct pfring_pkthdr, a pointer to the packet memory, and a pointer to user_bytes.
user_bytesA pointer to user’s data which is passed to the callback.
wait_for_packetIf 0 active wait is used to check the packet availability.
A non-negative number if pfring_breakloop() is called. A negative number in case of error.

◆ pfring_next_pkt_raw_timestamp()

int pfring_next_pkt_raw_timestamp ( pfring ring,
u_int64_t *  timestamp_ns 

This call returns the raw timestamp of the next incoming packet, when available. This is available with adapters supporting rx hardware timestamping only.

ringThe PF_RING handle where we perform the check.
timestamp_nsWhere the timestamp will be stored.
0 in case of success, a negative number in case of error.

◆ pfring_next_pkt_time()

int pfring_next_pkt_time ( pfring ring,
struct timespec *  ts 

This call returns the arrival time of the next incoming packet, when available.

ringThe PF_RING handle where we perform the check.
tsThe struct where the time will be stored.
0 in case of success, a negative number in case of error.

◆ pfring_open()

pfring* pfring_open ( const char *  device_name,
u_int32_t  caplen,
u_int32_t  flags 

This call is used to initialize a PF_RING socket hence obtain a handle of type struct pfring that can be used in subsequent calls. Note that:

  1. you can use physical (e.g. ethX) and virtual (e.g. tapX) devices, RX-queues (e.g. ethX), and additional modules (e.g. zc:ethX, dag:dagX:Y, "multi:ethA@X;ethB@Y;ethC@Z", "stack:ethX").
  2. you need super-user capabilities in order to open a device.
    device_nameSymbolic name of the PF_RING-aware device we’re attempting to open (e.g. eth0).
    caplenMaximum packet capture len (also known as snaplen).
    flagsIt allows several options to be specified on a compact format using bitmaps (see PF_RING_* macros).
    On success a handle is returned, NULL otherwise.

◆ pfring_open_multichannel()

u_int8_t pfring_open_multichannel ( const char *  device_name,
u_int32_t  caplen,
u_int32_t  flags,
pfring ring[MAX_NUM_RX_CHANNELS] 

This call is similar to pfring_open() with the exception that in case of a multi RX-queue NIC, instead of opening a single ring for the whole device, several individual rings are open (one per RX-queue).

device_nameSymbolic name of the PF_RING-aware device we’re attempting to open (e.g. eth0). No queue name hash to be specified, but just the main device name.
caplenMaximum packet capture len (also known as snaplen).
flagsSee pfring_open() for details.
ringA pointer to an array of rings that will contain the opened ring pointers.
The last index of the ring array that contain a valid ring pointer.

◆ pfring_parse_pkt()

int pfring_parse_pkt ( u_char *  pkt,
struct pfring_pkthdr hdr,
u_int8_t  level,
u_int8_t  add_timestamp,
u_int8_t  add_hash 

Parse a packet. It expects that the hdr memory is either zeroed or contains valid values for the current packet, in order to avoid parsing twice the same packet headers. This is implemented by controlling the l3_offset and l4_offset fields, indicating that respectively the L2 and L3 layers have been parsed when other than zero.

pktThe packet buffer.
hdrThe header to be filled.
levelThe header level where to stop parsing.
add_timestampAdd the timestamp.
add_hashCompute an IP-based bidirectional hash.
A non-negative number indicating the topmost header level on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_poll()

int pfring_poll ( pfring ring,
u_int  wait_duration 

Performs passive wait on a PF_RING socket, similar to the standard poll(), taking care of data structures synchronization.

ringThe PF_RING socket to poll.
wait_durationThe poll timeout in msec.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_print_parsed_pkt()

int pfring_print_parsed_pkt ( char *  buff,
u_int  buff_len,
const u_char *  p,
const struct pfring_pkthdr h 

Print a packet (the header with parsing info must be provided).

buffThe destination buffer.
buff_lenThe destination buffer length.
pThe packet.
hThe header.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_print_pkt()

int pfring_print_pkt ( char *  buff,
u_int  buff_len,
const u_char *  p,
u_int  len,
u_int  caplen 

Print a packet.

buffThe destination buffer.
buff_lenThe destination buffer length.
pThe packet.
caplenThe packet length.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_purge_idle_hash_rules()

int pfring_purge_idle_hash_rules ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  inactivity_sec 

Remove hash filtering rules inactive for the specified number of seconds.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rules will be removed.
inactivity_secThe inactivity threshold.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_purge_idle_rules()

int pfring_purge_idle_rules ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  inactivity_sec 

Remove filtering rules inactive for the specified number of seconds.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rules will be removed.
inactivity_secThe inactivity threshold.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise

◆ pfring_read_ixia_hw_timestamp()

int pfring_read_ixia_hw_timestamp ( u_char *  buffer,
u_int32_t  buffer_len,
struct timespec *  ts 

Reads a IXIA-formatted timestamp from an incoming packet and puts it into the timestamp variable.

bufferIncoming packet buffer.
buffer_lenIncoming packet buffer length.
tsIf found the hardware timestamp will be placed here
The length of the IXIA timestamp (hence 0 means that the timestamp has not been found).

◆ pfring_read_vss_apcon_hw_timestamp()

int pfring_read_vss_apcon_hw_timestamp ( u_char *  buffer,
u_int32_t  buffer_len,
struct timespec *  ts 

Reads a VSS/APCON-formatted timestamp from an incoming packet and puts it into the timestamp variable.

bufferIncoming packet buffer.
buffer_lenIncoming packet buffer length.
tsIf found the hardware timestamp will be placed here
The length of the VSS/APCON timestamp

◆ pfring_recv()

int pfring_recv ( pfring ring,
u_char **  buffer,
u_int  buffer_len,
struct pfring_pkthdr hdr,
u_int8_t  wait_for_incoming_packet 

This call returns an incoming packet when available.

ringThe PF_RING handle where we perform the check.
bufferA memory area allocated by the caller where the incoming packet will be stored. Note that this parameter is a pointer to a pointer, in order to enable zero-copy implementations (buffer_len must be set to 0).
buffer_lenThe length of the memory area above. Note that the incoming packet is cut if it is too long for the allocated area. A length of 0 indicates to use the zero-copy optimization, when available.
hdrA memory area where the packet header will be copied.
wait_for_incoming_packetIf 0 we simply check the packet availability, otherwise the call is blocked until a packet is available. This option is also available with the PF_RING-aware libpcap via the PCAP_PF_RING_ACTIVE_POLL environment variable.
0 in case of no packet being received (non-blocking), 1 in case of success, -1 in case of error.

◆ pfring_recv_chunk()

int pfring_recv_chunk ( pfring ring,
void **  chunk,
pfring_chunk_info chunk_info,
u_int8_t  wait_for_incoming_chunk 

Receive a packet chunk, if enabled via pfring_open() flag.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
chunkA buffer that will point to the received chunk. Note that the chunk format is adapter specific.
chunk_infoInformations about the chunk content and length.
wait_for_incoming_chunkIf 0 active wait is used to check the packet availability.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_recv_parsed()

int pfring_recv_parsed ( pfring ring,
u_char **  buffer,
u_int  buffer_len,
struct pfring_pkthdr hdr,
u_int8_t  wait_for_incoming_packet,
u_int8_t  level,
u_int8_t  add_timestamp,
u_int8_t  add_hash 

Same of pfring_recv(), with additional parameters to force packet parsing.

levelThe header level where to stop parsing.
add_timestampAdd the timestamp.
add_hashCompute an IP-based bidirectional hash.
0 in case of no packet being received (non-blocking), 1 in case of success, -1 in case of error.

◆ pfring_remove_bpf_filter()

int pfring_remove_bpf_filter ( pfring ring)

Remove the BPF filter.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_remove_filtering_rule()

int pfring_remove_filtering_rule ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  rule_id 

Remove a previously added filtering rule.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be removed.
rule_idThe id of a previously added rule that will be removed.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise (e.g. the rule does not exist).

◆ pfring_remove_from_cluster()

int pfring_remove_from_cluster ( pfring ring)

This call allows a ring to be removed from a previous joined cluster.

ringThe PF_RING handle to be cluster.
clusterIdA numeric identifier of the cluster to which the ring will be bound.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_remove_hw_rule()

int pfring_remove_hw_rule ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  rule_id 

Remove the specified filtering rule from the NIC.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be removed.
ruleThe filtering rule to be removed from the NIC.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_search_payload()

int pfring_search_payload ( pfring ring,
char *  string_to_search 

Add a string to search in the packet payload (used for filtering).

ringThe PF_RING handle.
string_to_searchThe string to search.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_send()

int pfring_send ( pfring ring,
char *  pkt,
u_int  pkt_len,
u_int8_t  flush_packet 

Send a raw packet (i.e. it is sent on wire as specified). This packet must be fully specified (the MAC address up) and it will be transmitted as-is without any further manipulation.

Depending on the driver being used, packet transmission happens differently:

  • Vanilla and PF_RING aware drivers: PF_RING does not accelerate the TX so the standard Linux transmission facilities are used. Do not expect speed advantage when using PF_RING in this mode.
  • ZC: line rate transmission is supported.
    ringThe PF_RING handle on which the packet has to be sent.
    pktThe buffer containing the packet to send.
    pkt_lenThe length of the pkt buffer.
    flush_packet1 = Flush possible transmission queues. If set to 0, you will decrease your CPU usage but at the cost of sending packets in trains and thus at larger latency.
    The number of bytes sent if success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_send_get_time()

int pfring_send_get_time ( pfring ring,
char *  pkt,
u_int  pkt_len,
struct timespec *  ts 

Same as pfring_send(), but this function allows to send a raw packet returning the exact time (ns) it has been sent on the wire. Note that this is available when the adapter supports tx hardware timestamping only and might affect performance.

tsThe struct where the tx timestamp will be stored.
The number of bytes sent if success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_send_last_rx_packet()

int pfring_send_last_rx_packet ( pfring ring,
int  tx_interface_id 

Send the last received packet to the specified device. This is an optimization working with standard PF_RING only.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the packet has been received.
tx_interface_idThe egress interface index.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_application_name()

int pfring_set_application_name ( pfring ring,
char *  name 

Tell PF_RING the name of the application (usually argv[0]) that uses this ring. This information is used to identify the application when accessing the files present in the PF_RING /proc filesystem. This is also available with the PF_RING-aware libpcap via the PCAP_PF_RING_APPNAME environment variable. Example: $ cat /proc/net/pf_ring/16614-eth0.0 | grep Name Appl. Name : pfcount

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
nameThe name of the application using this ring.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_application_stats()

int pfring_set_application_stats ( pfring ring,
char *  stats 

Set custom application statistics.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
statsThe application stats.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_bound_dev_name()

int pfring_set_bound_dev_name ( pfring ring,
char *  custom_dev_name 

Set a custom device name to which the socket is bound. This function should be called for devices that are not visible via ifconfig

ringThe PF_RING handle.
custom_dev_nameThe custom device name to be used for this socket.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_bpf_filter()

int pfring_set_bpf_filter ( pfring ring,
char *  filter_buffer 

In order to set BPF filters through the PF_RING API it’s necessary to enable (this is the default) BPF support at compile time and link PF_RING-enabled applications against the -lpcap library (it is possible to disable the BPF support with "cd userland/lib/; ./configure --disable-bpf; make" to avoid linking libpcap).

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the filter will be set.
filter_bufferThe filter to set.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_channel_id()

int pfring_set_channel_id ( pfring ring,
u_int32_t  channel_id 

Set the device channel id to be used.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
channel_idThe channel id.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_channel_mask()

int pfring_set_channel_mask ( pfring ring,
u_int64_t  channel_mask 

Set the channel mask to be used for packet capture.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
channel_maskThe channel mask.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_cluster()

int pfring_set_cluster ( pfring ring,
u_int  clusterId,
cluster_type  the_type 

This call allows a ring to be added to a cluster that can spawn across address spaces. On a nuthsell when two or more sockets are clustered they share incoming packets that are balanced on a per-flow manner. This technique is useful for exploiting multicore systems of for sharing packets in the same address space across multiple threads. Clustering is also available with the PF_RING-aware libpcap via the PCAP_PF_RING_CLUSTER_ID environment variable (Round-Robin by default, per-flow via the PCAP_PF_RING_USE_CLUSTER_PER_FLOW environment variable).

ringThe PF_RING handle to be cluster.
clusterIdA numeric identifier of the cluster to which the ring will be bound.
the_typeThe cluster type (2-tuple, 4-tuple, 5-tuple, tcp only 5-tuple, 6-tuple flow or Round-Robin).
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_device_clock()

int pfring_set_device_clock ( pfring ring,
struct timespec *  ts 

Sets the time in the device hardware clock, when the adapter supports hardware timestamping.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
tsThe time to be set.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_direction()

int pfring_set_direction ( pfring ring,
packet_direction  direction 

Tell PF_RING to consider only those packets matching the specified direction. If the application does not call this function, all the packets (regardless of the direction, either RX or TX) are returned.

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
directionThe packet direction (RX, TX or both RX and TX).
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_filtering_mode()

int pfring_set_filtering_mode ( pfring ring,
filtering_mode  mode 

Sets the filtering mode (software only, hardware only, both software and hardware) in order to implicitly add/remove hardware rules by means of the same API functionality used for software (wildcard and hash) rules.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be removed.
modeThe filtering mode.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_if_promisc()

int pfring_set_if_promisc ( const char *  device,
int  set_promisc 

Set the promiscuous mode flag to a device.

deviceThe device name.
set_promiscThe promisc flag.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_master()

int pfring_set_master ( pfring ring,
pfring master 

Set the master ring using the PF_RING handle (vanilla PF_RING only).

ringThe PF_RING handle.
masterThe master PF_RING handle.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_master_id()

int pfring_set_master_id ( pfring ring,
u_int32_t  master_id 

Set the master ring using the id (vanilla PF_RING only)

ringThe PF_RING handle.
masterThe master socket id.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_packet_slicing()

int pfring_set_packet_slicing ( pfring ring,
packet_slicing_level  level,
u_int32_t  additional_bytes 

Set packet slicing level.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which slicing is applied, when supported.
levelThe slicing level (disabled, L2, L3, L4, ..)
additional_bytesBytes to capture in addition to the selected layer.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_poll_duration()

int pfring_set_poll_duration ( pfring ring,
u_int  duration 

Set the poll timeout when passive wait is used.

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
durationThe poll timeout in msec.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_poll_watermark()

int pfring_set_poll_watermark ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  watermark 

Whenever a user-space application has to wait until incoming packets arrive, it can instruct PF_RING not to return from poll() call unless at least “watermark” packets have been returned. A low watermark value such as 1, reduces the latency of poll() but likely increases the number of poll() calls. A high watermark (it cannot exceed 50% of the ring size, otherwise the PF_RING kernel module will top its value) instead reduces the number of poll() calls but slightly increases the packet latency. The default value for the watermark (i.e. if user-space applications do not manipulate this value via this call) is 128.

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
watermarkThe packet poll watermark.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_poll_watermark_timeout()

int pfring_set_poll_watermark_timeout ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  poll_watermark_timeout 

Flush ring's queue if timeout passed. This helps to avoid situation where packets are waiting in the rings's queue too long (e.g. low-traffic network). The default value for the timeout is 0, which disables the flushing.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
poll_watermark_timeoutMilliseconds to flush ring's queue even if watermark packets hasn't reached yet.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_promisc()

int pfring_set_promisc ( pfring ring,
int  set_promisc 

Set the promiscuous mode to bound device.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
set_promiscThe promisc flag.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_reflector_device()

int pfring_set_reflector_device ( pfring ring,
char *  device_name 

Set a reflector device to send all incoming packets. This open a new socket and packets are automatically sent using pfring_send().

ringThe PF_RING handle.
device_nameThe device name.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_sampling_rate()

int pfring_set_sampling_rate ( pfring ring,
u_int32_t  rate 

Implement packet sampling directly into the kernel. Note that this solution is much more efficient than implementing it in user-space. Sampled packets are only those that pass all filters (if any).

ringThe PF_RING handle on which sampling is applied.
rateThe sampling rate. Rate of X means that 1 packet out of X is forwarded. This means that a sampling rate of 1 disables sampling.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_socket_mode()

int pfring_set_socket_mode ( pfring ring,
socket_mode  mode 

Tell PF_RING if the application needs to send and/or receive packets to/from the socket.

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
modeThe socket mode (send, receive or both send and receive).
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_tx_watermark()

int pfring_set_tx_watermark ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  watermark 

Set the number of packets that have to be enqueued in the egress queue before being sent on the wire.

ringThe PF_RING handle to enable.
watermarkThe tx watermark.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_virtual_device()

int pfring_set_virtual_device ( pfring ring,
virtual_filtering_device_info *  info 

Set a filtering device.

ringThe PF_RING handle.
infoThe filtering device info.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_set_vlan_id()

int pfring_set_vlan_id ( pfring ring,
u_int16_t  vlan_id 

Set the VLAN Id of the packets that will be copied to this ring (RX only)

ringThe PF_RING handle.
vlan_idThe vlan id to filter or 0 to accept only untagged VLAN packets
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_shutdown()

void pfring_shutdown ( pfring ring)

Shutdown a socket.

ringThe PF_RING handle.

◆ pfring_stats()

int pfring_stats ( pfring ring,
pfring_stat stats 

Read ring statistics (packets received and dropped).

ringThe PF_RING handle.
statsA user-allocated buffer on which stats (number of received and dropped packets) will be stored.
0 on uccess, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_sync_indexes_with_kernel()

void pfring_sync_indexes_with_kernel ( pfring ring)

Synchronizes the ingress ring indexes/registers with the kernel.

ringThe PF_RING handle.

◆ pfring_toggle_filtering_policy()

int pfring_toggle_filtering_policy ( pfring ring,
u_int8_t  rules_default_accept_policy 

Set the default filtering policy. This means that if no rule is matching the incoming packet the default policy will decide if the packet is forwarded to user space or dropped. Note that filtering rules are limited to a ring, so each ring can have a different set of rules and default policy.

ringThe PF_RING handle on which the rule will be added/removed.
rules_default_accept_policyIf set to a positive value the default policy is accept (i.e. forward packets to user space), drop otherwise.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_version()

int pfring_version ( pfring ring,
u_int32_t *  version 

Read the ring version. Note that if the ring version is 5.6 the retuned ring version is 0x050600.

ringThe PF_RING handle, in case the module supports versioning.
versionA user-allocated buffer on which ring version will be copied.
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ pfring_version_noring()

void pfring_version_noring ( u_int32_t *  version)

Read the ring version. Note that if the ring version is 5.6 the retuned ring version is 0x050600.

versionA user-allocated buffer on which ring version will be copied.