Flow Information Elements

The –T flag enabled users to specify the format of NetFlow v9/IPFIX flows. The format options currently supported by nProbe are those specified in the NetFlow v9 RFC, namely (in square brackets it is specified the field Id as defined in the RFC). As nProbe can be extended by means of plugins, further information elements can be defined based on plugin presence. Following is the exhaustive list of all options available.

 ID   NetFlow Label               IPFIX Label                   Description
[  1][Len 4] %IN_BYTES                   %octetDeltaCount             Incoming flow bytes (src->dst) [Aliased to %SRC_TO_DST_BYTES]
[  2][Len 4] %IN_PKTS                    %packetDeltaCount            Incoming flow packets (src->dst) [Aliased to %SRC_TO_DST_PKTS]
[  4][Len 1] %PROTOCOL                   %protocolIdentifier          IP protocol byte
[NFv9 58500][IPFIX 35632.1028][Len 16] %PROTOCOL_MAP                  IP protocol name
[  5][Len 1] %SRC_TOS                    %ipClassOfService            TOS/DSCP (src->dst)
[  6][Len 1] %TCP_FLAGS                  %tcpControlBits              Cumulative of all flow TCP flags
[  7][Len 2] %L4_SRC_PORT                %sourceTransportPort         IPv4 source port
[NFv9 58503][IPFIX 35632.1031][Len 16] %L4_SRC_PORT_MAP               Layer 4 source port symbolic name
[  8][Len 4] %IPV4_SRC_ADDR              %sourceIPv4Address           IPv4 source address
[  9][Len 1] %IPV4_SRC_MASK              %sourceIPv4PrefixLength      IPv4 source subnet mask (/<bits>)
[ 10][Len 4] %INPUT_SNMP                 %ingressInterface            Input interface SNMP idx
[ 11][Len 2] %L4_DST_PORT                %destinationTransportPort    IPv4 destination port
[NFv9 58507][IPFIX 35632.1035][Len 16] %L4_DST_PORT_MAP               Layer 4 destination port symbolic name
[NFv9 58508][IPFIX 35632.1036][Len 2] %L4_SRV_PORT                    Layer 4 server port
[NFv9 58509][IPFIX 35632.1037][Len 16] %L4_SRV_PORT_MAP               Layer 4 server port symbolic name
[ 12][Len 4] %IPV4_DST_ADDR              %destinationIPv4Address      IPv4 destination address
[ 13][Len 1] %IPV4_DST_MASK              %destinationIPv4PrefixLength IPv4 dest subnet mask (/<bits>)
[ 14][Len 4] %OUTPUT_SNMP                %egressInterface             Output interface SNMP idx
[ 15][Len 4] %IPV4_NEXT_HOP              %ipNextHopIPv4Address        IPv4 next hop address
[ 16][Len 4] %SRC_AS                     %bgpSourceAsNumber           Source BGP AS
[ 17][Len 4] %DST_AS                     %bgpDestinationAsNumber      Destination BGP AS
[129][Len 4] %BGP_PREV_ADJACENT_ASN      %bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber     Source BGP Prev AS
[128][Len 4] %BGP_NEXT_ADJACENT_ASN      %bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber     Destination BGP Next AS
[ 18][Len 4] %BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP          %bgpNexthopIPv4Address
[ 21][Len 4] %LAST_SWITCHED              %flowEndSysUpTime            SysUptime (msec) of the last flow pkt
[ 22][Len 4] %FIRST_SWITCHED             %flowStartSysUpTime          SysUptime (msec) of the first flow pkt
[ 23][Len 4] %OUT_BYTES                  %postOctetDeltaCount         Outgoing flow bytes (dst->src) [Aliased to %DST_TO_SRC_BYTES]
[ 24][Len 4] %OUT_PKTS                   %postPacketDeltaCount        Outgoing flow packets (dst->src) [Aliased to %DST_TO_SRC_PKTS]
[ 25][Len 2] %MIN_IP_PKT_LEN             %minimumIpTotalLength        Len of the smallest flow IP packet observed
[ 26][Len 2] %MAX_IP_PKT_LEN             %maximumIpTotalLength        Len of the largest flow IP packet observed
[ 27][Len 16] %IPV6_SRC_ADDR              %sourceIPv6Address          IPv6 source address
[ 28][Len 16] %IPV6_DST_ADDR              %destinationIPv6Address     IPv6 destination address
[ 29][Len 1] %IPV6_SRC_MASK              %sourceIPv6PrefixLength      IPv6 source mask
[ 30][Len 1] %IPV6_DST_MASK              %destinationIPv6PrefixLength IPv6 destination mask
[ 32][Len 2] %ICMP_TYPE                  %icmpTypeCodeIPv4            ICMP Type * 256 + ICMP code
[ 34][Len 4] %SAMPLING_INTERVAL                                       Sampling rate
[ 35][Len 1] %SAMPLING_ALGORITHM                                      Sampling type (deterministic/random)
[ 36][Len 2] %FLOW_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT        %flowActiveTimeout           Activity timeout of flow cache entries
[ 37][Len 2] %FLOW_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT      %flowIdleTimeout             Inactivity timeout of flow cache entries
[ 38][Len 1] %ENGINE_TYPE                                             Flow switching engine
[ 39][Len 1] %ENGINE_ID                                               Id of the flow switching engine
[ 40][Len 4] %TOTAL_BYTES_EXP            %exportedOctetTotalCount     Total bytes exported
[ 41][Len 4] %TOTAL_PKTS_EXP             %exportedMessageTotalCount   Total flow packets exported
[ 42][Len 4] %TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP            %exportedFlowRecordTotalCount        Total number of exported flows
[ 52][Len 1] %MIN_TTL                    %minimumTTL                  Min flow TTL
[ 53][Len 1] %MAX_TTL                    %maximumTTL                  Max flow TTL
[ 55][Len 1] %DST_TOS                    %ipClassOfService            TOS/DSCP (dst->src)
[ 58][Len 2] %SRC_VLAN                   %vlanId                      Source VLAN (inner VLAN in QinQ)
[ 59][Len 2] %DST_VLAN                   %postVlanId                  Destination VLAN (inner VLAN in QinQ)
[ 56][Len 6] %IN_SRC_MAC                 %sourceMacAddress            Source MAC Address
[ 57][Len 6] %OUT_DST_MAC                %postDestinationMacAddress   Post Destination MAC Address
[ 80][Len 6] %IN_DST_MAC                 %destinationMacAddress       Destination MAC Address
[ 81][Len 6] %OUT_SRC_MAC                %postSourceMacAddress        Post Source MAC Address
[ 82][Len 8] %INTERFACE_NAME             %interfaceName               Interface you are capturing from (-i)
[243][Len 2] %DOT1Q_SRC_VLAN             %dot1qVlanId                 Source VLAN (outer VLAN in QinQ)
[254][Len 2] %DOT1Q_DST_VLAN             %postdot1qVlanId             Destination VLAN (outer VLAN in QinQ)
[ 60][Len 1] %IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION        %ipVersion                   [4=IPv4][6=IPv6]
[ 61][Len 1] %DIRECTION                  %flowDirection               Flow direction [0=src->dst, 1=dst->src]
[ 62][Len 16] %IPV6_NEXT_HOP              %ipNextHopIPv6Address       IPv6 next hop address
[ 70][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_1               %mplsTopLabelStackSection    MPLS label at position 1
[ 71][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_2               %mplsLabelStackSection2      MPLS label at position 2
[ 72][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_3               %mplsLabelStackSection3      MPLS label at position 3
[ 73][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_4               %mplsLabelStackSection4      MPLS label at position 4
[ 74][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_5               %mplsLabelStackSection5      MPLS label at position 5
[ 75][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_6               %mplsLabelStackSection6      MPLS label at position 6
[ 76][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_7               %mplsLabelStackSection7      MPLS label at position 7
[ 77][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_8               %mplsLabelStackSection8      MPLS label at position 8
[ 78][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_9               %mplsLabelStackSection9      MPLS label at position 9
[ 79][Len 3] %MPLS_LABEL_10              %mplsLabelStackSection10     MPLS label at position 10
[ 95][Len 4] %APPLICATION_ID             %application_id              Cisco Application Id
[102][Len 2] %PACKET_SECTION_OFFSET                                   Packet section offset
[103][Len 2] %SAMPLED_PACKET_SIZE                                     Sampled packet size
[104][Len 2] %SAMPLED_PACKET_ID                                       Sampled packet id
[130][Len 4] %EXPORTER_IPV4_ADDRESS      %exporterIPv4Address         Flow exporter IPv4 Address
[131][Len 16] %EXPORTER_IPV6_ADDRESS      %exporterIPv6Address        Flow exporter IPv6 Address
[148][Len 4] %FLOW_ID                    %flowId                      Serial Flow Identifier
[150][Len 4] %FLOW_START_SEC             %flowStartSeconds            Seconds (epoch) of the first flow packet
[151][Len 4] %FLOW_END_SEC               %flowEndSeconds              Seconds (epoch) of the last flow packet
[152][Len 8] %FLOW_START_MILLISECONDS    %flowStartMilliseconds       Msec (epoch) of the first flow packet
[154][Len 8] %FLOW_START_MICROSECONDS    %flowStartMicroseconds       uSec (epoch) of the first flow packet
[153][Len 8] %FLOW_END_MILLISECONDS      %flowEndMilliseconds         Msec (epoch) of the last flow packet
[155][Len 8] %FLOW_END_MICROSECONDS      %flowEndMicroseconds         uSec (epoch) of the last flow packet
[239][Len 1] %BIFLOW_DIRECTION           %biflow_direction            1=initiator, 2=reverseInitiator
[225][Len 4] %POST_NAT_SRC_IPV4_ADDR     %postNatSourceIPv4Address    Post Nat Source IPv4 Address
[226][Len 4] %POST_NAT_DST_IPV4_ADDR     %postNatDestinationIPv4Address       Post Nat Destination IPv4 Address
[227][Len 2] %POST_NAPT_SRC_TRANSPORT_PORT %postNaptSourceTransportPort       Post Napt Source Transport Port
[228][Len 2] %POST_NAPT_DST_TRANSPORT_PORT %postNaptDestinationTransportPort  Post Napt Destination Transport Port
[229][Len 1] %NAT_ORIGINATING_ADDRESS_REALM %natOriginatingAddressRealm       Nat Originating Address Realm
[230][Len 1] %NAT_EVENT                  %natEvent                    Nat Event
[233][Len 1] %FIREWALL_EVENT             %firewallEvent               Flow events 0=ignore, 1=created, 2=deleted, 3=denied, 4=alert, 5=update
[234][Len 4] %INGRESS_VRFID              %ingressVRFID                Ingress VRF ID
[161][Len 4] %FLOW_DURATION_MILLISECONDS %flowDurationMilliseconds    Flow duration (msec)
[162][Len 4] %FLOW_DURATION_MICROSECONDS %flowDurationMicroseconds    Flow duration (usec)
[176][Len 1] %ICMP_IPV4_TYPE             %icmpTypeIPv4                ICMP Type
[177][Len 1] %ICMP_IPV4_CODE             %icmpCodeIPv4                ICMP Code
[277][Len 2] %OBSERVATION_POINT_TYPE                                  Observation point type
[300][Len 2] %OBSERVATION_POINT_ID                                    Observation point id
[302][Len 2] %SELECTOR_ID                                             Selector id
[304][Len 2] %IPFIX_SAMPLING_ALGORITHM                                Sampling algorithm
[309][Len 2] %SAMPLING_SIZE                                           Number of packets to sample
[310][Len 2] %SAMPLING_POPULATION                                     Sampling population
[312][Len 2] %FRAME_LENGTH                                            Original L2 frame length
[318][Len 2] %PACKETS_OBSERVED                                        Tot number of packets seen
[319][Len 2] %PACKETS_SELECTED                                        Number of pkts selected for sampling
[335][Len 2] %SELECTOR_NAME                                           Sampler name
[NFv9 57552][IPFIX 35632.80][Len 2] %SRC_FRAGMENTS                    Num fragmented packets src->dst
[NFv9 57553][IPFIX 35632.81][Len 2] %DST_FRAGMENTS                    Num fragmented packets dst->src
[NFv9 57595][IPFIX 35632.123][Len 4] %CLIENT_NW_LATENCY_MS            Network RTT/2 client <-> nprobe (msec)
[NFv9 57596][IPFIX 35632.124][Len 4] %SERVER_NW_LATENCY_MS            Network RTT/2 nprobe <-> server (msec)
[NFv9 57550][IPFIX 35632.78][Len 1] %CLIENT_TCP_FLAGS                 Cumulative of all client TCP flags
[NFv9 57551][IPFIX 35632.79][Len 1] %SERVER_TCP_FLAGS                 Cumulative of all server TCP flags
[NFv9 57597][IPFIX 35632.125][Len 4] %APPL_LATENCY_MS                 Application latency (msec), a.k.a. server response time
[NFv9 57943][IPFIX 35632.471][Len 4] %NPROBE_IPV4_ADDRESS             IPv4 address of the host were nProbe runs
[NFv9 57554][IPFIX 35632.82][Len 4] %SRC_TO_DST_MAX_THROUGHPUT        Src to dst max thpt (bps)
[NFv9 57555][IPFIX 35632.83][Len 4] %SRC_TO_DST_MIN_THROUGHPUT        Src to dst min thpt (bps)
[NFv9 57556][IPFIX 35632.84][Len 4] %SRC_TO_DST_AVG_THROUGHPUT        Src to dst average thpt (bps)
[NFv9 57557][IPFIX 35632.85][Len 4] %DST_TO_SRC_MAX_THROUGHPUT        Dst to src max thpt (bps)
[NFv9 57558][IPFIX 35632.86][Len 4] %DST_TO_SRC_MIN_THROUGHPUT        Dst to src min thpt (bps)
[NFv9 57559][IPFIX 35632.87][Len 4] %DST_TO_SRC_AVG_THROUGHPUT        Dst to src average thpt (bps)
[NFv9 57560][IPFIX 35632.88][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_UP_TO_128_BYTES         # packets whose IP size <= 128
[NFv9 57561][IPFIX 35632.89][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_128_TO_256_BYTES        # packets whose IP size > 128 and <= 256
[NFv9 57562][IPFIX 35632.90][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_256_TO_512_BYTES        # packets whose IP size > 256 and < 512
[NFv9 57563][IPFIX 35632.91][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_512_TO_1024_BYTES       # packets whose IP size > 512 and < 1024
[NFv9 57564][IPFIX 35632.92][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_1024_TO_1514_BYTES      # packets whose IP size > 1024 and <= 1514
[NFv9 57565][IPFIX 35632.93][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_OVER_1514_BYTES         # packets whose IP size > 1514
[NFv9 57570][IPFIX 35632.98][Len 4] %CUMULATIVE_ICMP_TYPE             Cumulative OR of ICMP type packets
[NFv9 57573][IPFIX 35632.101][Len 2] %SRC_IP_COUNTRY                  Country where the src IP is located
[NFv9 57574][IPFIX 35632.102][Len 16] %SRC_IP_CITY                    City where the src IP is located
[NFv9 57575][IPFIX 35632.103][Len 2] %DST_IP_COUNTRY                  Country where the dst IP is located
[NFv9 57576][IPFIX 35632.104][Len 16] %DST_IP_CITY                    City where the dst IP is located
[NFv9 57920][IPFIX 35632.448][Len 16] %SRC_IP_LONG                    Longitude where the src IP is located
[NFv9 57921][IPFIX 35632.449][Len 16] %SRC_IP_LAT                     Latitude where the src IP is located
[NFv9 57922][IPFIX 35632.450][Len 16] %DST_IP_LONG                    Longitude where the dst IP is located
[NFv9 57923][IPFIX 35632.451][Len 16] %DST_IP_LAT                     Latitude where the dst IP is located
[NFv9 57577][IPFIX 35632.105][Len 2] %FLOW_PROTO_PORT                 L7 port that identifies the flow protocol or 0 if unknown
[NFv9 57578][IPFIX 35632.106][Len 4] %UPSTREAM_TUNNEL_ID              Upstream tunnel identifier (e.g. GTP TEID, VXLAN VNI) or 0 if unknown
[NFv9 57918][IPFIX 35632.446][Len 2] %UPSTREAM_SESSION_ID             Upstream session identifier (e.g. L2TP) or 0 if unknown
[NFv9 57579][IPFIX 35632.107][Len 2] %LONGEST_FLOW_PKT                Longest packet (bytes) of the flow
[NFv9 57580][IPFIX 35632.108][Len 2] %SHORTEST_FLOW_PKT               Shortest packet (bytes) of the flow
[NFv9 57599][IPFIX 35632.127][Len 4] %RETRANSMITTED_IN_BYTES          Number of retransmitted TCP flow bytes (src->dst)
[NFv9 57581][IPFIX 35632.109][Len 4] %RETRANSMITTED_IN_PKTS           Number of retransmitted TCP flow packets (src->dst)
[NFv9 57600][IPFIX 35632.128][Len 4] %RETRANSMITTED_OUT_BYTES         Number of retransmitted TCP flow bytes (dst->src)
[NFv9 57582][IPFIX 35632.110][Len 4] %RETRANSMITTED_OUT_PKTS          Number of retransmitted TCP flow packets (dst->src)
[NFv9 57583][IPFIX 35632.111][Len 4] %OOORDER_IN_PKTS                 Number of out of order TCP flow packets (dst->src)
[NFv9 57584][IPFIX 35632.112][Len 4] %OOORDER_OUT_PKTS                Number of out of order TCP flow packets (src->dst)
[NFv9 57585][IPFIX 35632.113][Len 1] %UNTUNNELED_PROTOCOL             Untunneled IP protocol byte
[NFv9 57586][IPFIX 35632.114][Len 4] %UNTUNNELED_IPV4_SRC_ADDR        Untunneled IPv4 source address
[NFv9 57587][IPFIX 35632.115][Len 2] %UNTUNNELED_L4_SRC_PORT          Untunneled IPv4 source port
[NFv9 57588][IPFIX 35632.116][Len 4] %UNTUNNELED_IPV4_DST_ADDR        Untunneled IPv4 destination address
[NFv9 57589][IPFIX 35632.117][Len 2] %UNTUNNELED_L4_DST_PORT          Untunneled IPv4 destination port
[NFv9 57590][IPFIX 35632.118][Len 2] %L7_PROTO                        Layer 7 protocol (numeric)
[NFv9 57591][IPFIX 35632.119][Len 16 varlen] %L7_PROTO_NAME                   Layer 7 protocol name
[NFv9 57592][IPFIX 35632.120][Len 4] %DOWNSTREAM_TUNNEL_ID            Downstream tunnel identifier (e.g. GTP TEID, VXLAN VNI) or 0 if unknown
[NFv9 57919][IPFIX 35632.447][Len 2] %DOWNSTREAM_SESSION_ID           Downstream session identifier (e.g. L2TP) or 0 if unknown
[NFv9 57660][IPFIX 35632.188][Len 48 varlen] %SSL_SERVER_NAME                 SSL server name
[NFv9 57661][IPFIX 35632.189][Len 40 varlen] %BITTORRENT_HASH                 BITTORRENT hash
[NFv9 57593][IPFIX 35632.121][Len 32 varlen] %FLOW_USER_NAME                  Flow username of the tunnel (if known)
[NFv9 57594][IPFIX 35632.122][Len 32 varlen] %FLOW_SERVER_NAME                Flow server name (if known)
[NFv9 57598][IPFIX 35632.126][Len 8 varlen] %PLUGIN_NAME                      Plugin name used by this flow (if any)
[NFv9 57868][IPFIX 35632.396][Len 16] %UNTUNNELED_IPV6_SRC_ADDR       Untunneled IPv6 source address
[NFv9 57869][IPFIX 35632.397][Len 16] %UNTUNNELED_IPV6_DST_ADDR       Untunneled IPv6 destination address
[NFv9 57819][IPFIX 35632.347][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_EQ_1               # packets with TTL = 1
[NFv9 57818][IPFIX 35632.346][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_2_5                # packets with TTL > 1 and TTL <= 5
[NFv9 57806][IPFIX 35632.334][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_5_32               # packets with TTL > 5 and TTL <= 32
[NFv9 57807][IPFIX 35632.335][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_32_64              # packets with TTL > 32 and <= 64
[NFv9 57808][IPFIX 35632.336][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_64_96              # packets with TTL > 64 and <= 96
[NFv9 57809][IPFIX 35632.337][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_96_128             # packets with TTL > 96 and <= 128
[NFv9 57810][IPFIX 35632.338][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_128_160            # packets with TTL > 128 and <= 160
[NFv9 57811][IPFIX 35632.339][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_160_192            # packets with TTL > 160 and <= 192
[NFv9 57812][IPFIX 35632.340][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_192_224            # packets with TTL > 192 and <= 224
[NFv9 57813][IPFIX 35632.341][Len 4] %NUM_PKTS_TTL_224_255            # packets with TTL > 224 and <= 255
[NFv9 57821][IPFIX 35632.349][Len 37] %IN_SRC_OSI_SAP                 OSI Source SAP (OSI Traffic Only)
[NFv9 57822][IPFIX 35632.350][Len 37] %OUT_DST_OSI_SAP                OSI Destination SAP (OSI Traffic Only)
[NFv9 57863][IPFIX 35632.391][Len 4] %DURATION_IN                     Client to Server stream duration (msec)
[NFv9 57864][IPFIX 35632.392][Len 4] %DURATION_OUT                    Client to Server stream duration (msec)
[NFv9 57887][IPFIX 35632.415][Len 2] %TCP_WIN_MIN_IN                  Min TCP Window (src->dst)
[NFv9 57888][IPFIX 35632.416][Len 2] %TCP_WIN_MAX_IN                  Max TCP Window (src->dst)
[NFv9 57889][IPFIX 35632.417][Len 2] %TCP_WIN_MSS_IN                  TCP Max Segment Size (src->dst)
[NFv9 57890][IPFIX 35632.418][Len 1] %TCP_WIN_SCALE_IN                TCP Window Scale (src->dst)
[NFv9 57891][IPFIX 35632.419][Len 2] %TCP_WIN_MIN_OUT                 Min TCP Window (dst->src)
[NFv9 57892][IPFIX 35632.420][Len 2] %TCP_WIN_MAX_OUT                 Max TCP Window (dst->src)
[NFv9 57893][IPFIX 35632.421][Len 2] %TCP_WIN_MSS_OUT                 TCP Max Segment Size (dst->src)
[NFv9 57894][IPFIX 35632.422][Len 1] %TCP_WIN_SCALE_OUT               TCP Window Scale (dst->src)
[NFv9 57910][IPFIX 35632.438][Len 4] %PAYLOAD_HASH                    Initial flow payload hash
[NFv9 57915][IPFIX 35632.443][Len 16] %SRC_AS_MAP                     Organization name for SRC_AS
[NFv9 57916][IPFIX 35632.444][Len 16] %DST_AS_MAP                     Organization name for DST_AS
[NFv9 57944][IPFIX 35632.472][Len 8] %SRC_TO_DST_SECOND_BYTES         Bytes/sec (src->dst) [pro only]
[NFv9 57945][IPFIX 35632.473][Len 8] %DST_TO_SRC_SECOND_BYTES         Bytes/sec2 (dst->src) [pro only]
[NFv9 57961][IPFIX 35632.489][Len 32 varlen] %JA3C_HASH               JA3 client hash
[NFv9 57962][IPFIX 35632.490][Len 32 varlen] %JA3S_HASH               JA3 server hash
[NFv9 57963][IPFIX 35632.491][Len 48 varlen] %SRC_HOST_NAME           Symbolic src host name
[NFv9 57964][IPFIX 35632.492][Len 48 varlen] %DST_HOST_NAME           Symbolic dst host name
[NFv9 57965][IPFIX 35632.493][Len 2] %SSL_CIPHER                      SSL Connection Cipher
[NFv9 57966][IPFIX 35632.494][Len 1] %SSL_UNSAFE_CIPHER               SSL Safe(0)/unsafe(1) cipher
[NFv9 57967][IPFIX 35632.495][Len 2] %SSL_VERSION                     SSL Version

Plugin information elements can be found later on this manual.

If you want to specify NetFlow v9 flows in a format similar to v5 flows you can do as follows:


Note that the fields start with a % and are separated by a space.