
nTap is distributed as binary package and can be installed from as any other ntop package.

The package installs two binary applications:

  • ntap_remote - the remote tap that you can run on the host/container/VM that you want to wiretap
  • ntap_collector - the central tap collector

On Linux/FreeBSD both tap and collector are packaged as services, similar to what happens with other ntop tools such as ntopng and nProbe.

For Windows and MacOS we have released the ntap_remote that you can use to capture traffic from remote hosts. Please use Linux/FreeBSD for ntap_collector.


On Windows the ntap_remote is requires npcap to be installed as a prerequisite. Done that you can download the ntap_remote from and copy it onto and installation directory.

It can be run on the command line (inside cmd.exe) or as a daemon. As with all the other ntop tools, on Windows you need to prepend an option as follows:

  • Run the command from cmd.exe: ntap_remote /c <ntap_remote options>
  • Install ntap_remote as a service: ntap_remote /i <ntap_remote options>
  • Remove the ntap_remote service: ntap_remote /r

We suggest you to run ntap_remote as a service unless you know what you are doing. On Windows, you can control services lifecycle (start/stop) from the Services control panel application item.

Platform Limitations

Below you can find some platform limitations of nTap:

  • The -i option for nTap collector, used to create a virtual interface where received packets are injected, is available on Linux only.
  • On Windows/MacOS the ntap_collector is not available. On these two platforms, please use ntap_remote to send traffic to ntap_collector running on Linux, or use nProbe/ntopng with ntap support (all platforms are supported).


The nTap remote and collector can be executed running the corresponding binary applications (ntap_remote and ntap_collector) via command line or configuring the services.

Examples of running the tools via command line are available in the Use Cases section.

In order to configure the applications as a service instead, you need to edit the configuration files available in the below locations, and run the service according to the operating system (e.g. using systemctl to control the systemd services on Linux).

  • Configuration file on Linux:
    • /etc/ntap/ntap_remote.conf
    • /etc/ntap/ntap_collector.conf
  • Configuration files on FreeBSD:
    • /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntap_remote
    • /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntap_collector

For example, suppose that you want to edit the tap service file on Linux, all you need to do is:

  • cp /etc/ntap/ntap_remote.conf.sample /etc/ntap/ntap_remote.conf
  • edit /etc/ntap/ntap_remote.conf modifying the options according to your needs