1.1. Basic Concepts and Export

Here is a brief introduction to some fundamental concepts of the API.

1.1.1. Driver

A timeseries driver implements a well defined interface to provide support for a specific database. Currently ntopng provides the RRD and InfluxDB drivers to communicate with the respective datatabases.

1.1.2. Schema

A schema can be seen as a table of a database. It specifies the data format and types. A schema is identified by it’s name and contains the following informations:

  • Step: the expected interval, in seconds, between raw data points.
  • Tags: a tag is a label which can be used to filter data. Example of tags are the interface name, host name and nDPI protocol name.
  • Metrics: a metric is a particual value which is being measured. Example of metrics are the host bytes sent traffic, interface number of flows and ASN round trip time. All metrics must be consistent with the specified type (see below).
  • Type: the type for all the metrics of the schema. Currently “counter” or “gauge”.
  • Options: some driver specific options.

All the ntopng defined schemas can be found in scripts/lua/modules/timeseries/schemas. Schemas are split into 3 files, one for each periodic script, to avoid wasting time loading unnecessary schemas. Nevertheless, by including the ts_utils module, all the available schemas are loaded automatically.

1.1.3. Exporting Data

Thanks to the formalization of the data into schemas, ntopng itself can now be used as a timeseries exporter. The script scripts/lua/get_ts.lua is the endpoint which provides such data.

Let’s see how to read a particuar host nDPI traffic by using the provided API.

The “host:ndpi” schema is defined in ts_5min.lua as follows:

schema = ts_utils.newSchema("host:ndpi", {step=300})

In order to extract last hour host information about the Facebook protocol, the following API can be used.

To extract data from a Lua script located within the ntopng directory structure:

local res = ts_utils.query("host:ndpi", {
  ifid = "1",
  host = "",
  protocol = "Facebook"
}, os.time()-3600, os.time())


To extract data from an external program:

# Extract host traffic in the specified time frame
curl --cookie "user=admin; password=admin" ",host:"

# Extract last hour top host protocols
curl --cookie "user=admin; password=admin" ",host:"

# Extract last hour AS 62041 RTT
curl --cookie "user=admin; password=admin" ",asn:62041&ts_schema=asn:rtt"

JSON data will be returned. Check out the ts_utils module documentation below to learn more about the query response format.