BGP Plugin

Using the nProbe BGP plugin it is possible to export the first ten Autonomous Systems (ASes) in both the AS-path to the client and to the server of each flow.

AS-paths, which are well-known mandatory BGP attributes, are determined by establishing a BGP session with a BGP-router. BGP sessions are established by an helper script which encapsulates all of the functionality needed to establish and maintain a BGP peering session and exchange routing update information. Specifically, the script:

  • Establishes a BGP session with a BGP-router
  • Reads BGP updates to extract AS-paths
  • Sends AS-paths to nProbe
BGP with nProbe and :code:``

BGP with nProbe and

The script can be freely downloaded from here.

Once the script has been downloaded, it has to be configured with the IP address and AS of the BGP router, and with the IP address and port of the host running nProbe.

The configuration is done simply by editing the first lines of the downloaded script and involves the following variables:

  • $local_ip sets the BGP ID (IP address) of the local peer of the BGP session. It takes a string in IP dotted decimal notation.
  • $local_as sets the BGP AS number of the local peer of the BGP session. It takes an integer value in the range of a 16-bit unsigned integer.
  • $remote_ip sets the BGP ID (IP address) of the remote peer of the BGP session. It takes a string in IP dotted decimal notation.
  • $remote_as sets the BGP AS number of the remote peer of the BGP session. It takes an integer value in the range of a 16-bit unsigned integer.
  • $nprobe_ip sets the IP address of the host running nProbe. The script will attempt to connect to $nprobe_ip on $nprobe_port to exchange AS-paths information.
  • $nprobe_port sets the port on which the nProbe is listening for incoming BGP AS-paths. This must be the same port as specified in the nProbe option --bgp-port.

An example configuration is as follows:

my $local_ip = '';
my $local_as = 65498;
my $remote_ip = '';
my $remote_as = 2597;

# nProbe
my $nprobe_ip   = '';
my $nprobe_port = 4096;

In the configuration above, the remote peer AS-2597 BGP-router is at The script will connect to the remote peer announcing itself as AS-65498 peer nProbe it is assumed to be running on the same localhost of the script, listening for connections on port 4096.

Once the configuration is done, nProbe can be started using option --bgp-port <port>, where <port> is set to the value of $nprobe_port. Finally, the script can be run so that it will connect to nProbe on the specified port.

This plugin defines the following information elements that can be used in the template as any other regular information element:

%SRC_AS_PATH_1                    Src AS path position 1
%SRC_AS_PATH_2                    Src AS path position 2
%SRC_AS_PATH_3                    Src AS path position 3
%SRC_AS_PATH_4                    Src AS path position 4
%SRC_AS_PATH_5                    Src AS path position 5
%SRC_AS_PATH_6                    Src AS path position 6
%SRC_AS_PATH_7                    Src AS path position 7
%SRC_AS_PATH_8                    Src AS path position 8
%SRC_AS_PATH_9                    Src AS path position 9
%SRC_AS_PATH_10                   Src AS path position 10
%DST_AS_PATH_1                    Dest AS path position 1
%DST_AS_PATH_2                    Dest AS path position 2
%DST_AS_PATH_3                    Dest AS path position 3
%DST_AS_PATH_4                    Dest AS path position 4
%DST_AS_PATH_5                    Dest AS path position 5
%DST_AS_PATH_6                    Dest AS path position 6
%DST_AS_PATH_7                    Dest AS path position 7
%DST_AS_PATH_8                    Dest AS path position 8
%DST_AS_PATH_9                    Dest AS path position 9
%DST_AS_PATH_10                   Dest AS path position 10


$ sudo nprobe --bgp-port 9999 --zmq "tcp://*:5556" -i none \
  -n none --collector-port 2055 \

The nProbe instance executed above exports via ZMQ (--zmq "tcp://*:5556") NetFlow data collected on port 2055 (--collector-port 2055), including the first 8 ASes in the AS-path to the client and to the server. nProbe expects to be running and exporting on port 9999 (--bgp-port 9999).