Hi all this is to invite all of you living in San Francisco and in the Bay Area to attend the “Monitoring with Time Series” meetup organised by our friends at InfluxData. I will be speaking about ntop, traffic monitoring, time series and InfluxDB. It will also be a good time to meet with our users, hear suggestions, and (perhaps) complains. The Internet is a nice place, but a physical meeting has no price.
The meetup will take place at InfluxData HQ, 799 Market St Suite 400, San Francisco. The agenda is pretty straightforward:
- 6:30 – 7:00 Food, drinks & chat
- 7:00 – 7:05 Introduction
- 7:15 – 7:45 How ntop built their high-speed based traffic analysis and flow collection with the use of InfluxDB – Luca Deri
- 7:45 Q&A, More food, drinks, & chat
All details including the registration link are available here.
It will be fun. I hope to see you!