HowTo Export ntopng Alarms to Checkmk Event Console

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Checkmk is a popular platform for monitoring IT infrastructure. ntopng has been integrated in Checkmk some time ago, enabling users to provide traffic visibility in additional to classic bytes/packets metrics. As ntopng is able to produce traffic alerts that, we have decided to extend ntopng in order to export alert information towards Checkmk event console […]

Advancements in Traffic Processing Using Programmable Hardware Flow Offload

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This week we have presented at the IEEE HPSR (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing) our latest work that shows how nProbe can benefit of acceleration provided by modern SmartNICs to achieving multi-100 Gbit traffic processing (both passive and inline) on low-end servers while deep-packet inspecting traffic using nDPI. If you want […]

ntop and Endian Enter Partnership for Open Source OT Monitoring

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ntop develops monitoring tools for IT and OT networks, whereas Endian is a leading Italian company that develops a Secure Digital Platform for OT networks. Both companies use and develop open source tools that can be a key value in OT networks where most tools are proprietary. This partnership allows both companies to complement each […]

Upcoming Events: CheckMK Conference and Interop Tokio

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In the next couple of weeks we’ll be active in meeting our user community at two events: As you know ntopng is natively integrated with CheckMK. CheckMK Conference that will take place on June 11-13 in Munich, Germany. The ntop team will organize a one-day workshop about ntopng and cybersecurity.  Thanks to our partner for […]

ELLIO and ntop partnership: combining cybersecurity with high-speed network traffic analysis

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Prague, Czech Republic / Pisa, Italy, May 29, 2024 – ELLIO, a provider of real-time, highly accurate intelligence for filtering of unwanted network traffic and cybernoise, and ntop, a provider of open-source and commercial high-speed traffic monitoring applications, have announced a partnership to enhance visibility into malicious traffic originating from opportunistic scans and attacks within […]