Using ClickHouse Cloud with ntopng

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We are happy to announce that from the latest ntopng dev (6.1) version, ntopng supports exporting data (flows & alerts) to ClickHouse Cloud. Below you can find a step-by-step guide. Quick Start First of all let’s start by creating our account and service on the ClickHouse Cloud (you can find the official guide here); remember […]

ntopConf 2023 (25 years of ntop) Registration is Now Open

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This is to announce that the registration for the ntop Conference 2023, 25 years since the first release of ntop, is now open. Similar to past conferences, this event is divided into two days: the first day will be allocated for training on ntop products, the second day for the main conference and workshop. You […]

Introducing nTap: a Virtual Tap for Monitoring and Cybersecurity (including Wireshark, Suricata, Zeek, OpenvSwitch)

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This is to announce a new product named nTap that implements a software tap, to be used in physical and virtual/containerised environments.   Using nTap with ntop applications nTap with Third Party Applications nTap allows you to capture and deliver packets using a secure and encrypted communication channel from remote hosts to a collector host […]

ntop Conference 2022: Call for Speakers

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This is to announce the dates of the ntop conference 2022 that will take place in Milan at UniBocconi: June 23rd conference, 24th training. We are currently looking for speakers as we want to hear your voice. Topics include (but are not limited to): Cybersecurity IoT monitoring Integration of Kibana/Grafana/CheckMK/Nagios with ntop tools Attacks and […]

ntopng 5.0 Is Out: Modern Traffic Monitoring for AIOps and Cybersecurity

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ntopng was initially designed as a tool for realtime network traffic monitoring. The idea was to create a DPI-based tool able to report traffic statistics. Overtime we have added the ability to implement active monitoring checks, SNMP, and various other features. However there was a fundamental point that was missing: go beyond traffic reporting, moving […]

FOSDEM 2021 – Retrospective

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FOSDEM 2021 has been an awesome event. For the first time in its history, the event was fully virtual with multiple parallel live streams. According to the infrastructure statistics, it had about 8,000 visitors of which about 5,000 were watching the live streams. A huge volunteering work has been necessary to make this event happen […]

Bringing Network Visibility, Cybersecurity and Encrypted Traffic Analysis to OPNsense, pfSense and FreeBSD

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This is to announce the immediate availability of both ntopng and nProbe for OPNsense, pfSense and FreeBSD, directly supported by ntop, with nightly builds and all the features present on all other supported platforms such as Linux, Windows and MacOS. You can now Monitor network traffic based on nDPI. Encrypted traffic analysis (ETA) that enables […]