Advancements in Traffic Processing Using Programmable Hardware Flow Offload

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This week we have presented at the IEEE HPSR (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing) our latest work that shows how nProbe can benefit of acceleration provided by modern SmartNICs to achieving multi-100 Gbit traffic processing (both passive and inline) on low-end servers while deep-packet inspecting traffic using nDPI. If you want […]

nProbe Cento 1.20 Just Released

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This is to announce the release of nProbe Cento 1.20, that is basically a maintenance release that fixes some issues, improved metadata export using nDPI, and adds new platform and distributions support. Below you can find the whole changelog. Enjoy ! Improvements Add ARM support Add support for dumping bad packets (–dump-bad-packets) Add support for […]

Introducing nProbe Cento 1.14

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This is to announce a new release of the ntop’s 100 Gbit probe, nProbe Cento 1.14. In this version we have integrated the latest features from nDPI, the ntop’s Deep-Packet-Inspection engine, that is now 2.5x faster than the previous version. Flows are enriched with Flow Risks, which represents a set of issues detected by nDPI, […]

nProbe Cento 1.10 is Out

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After nDPI v3 release, today we have rolled out an incremental update of nProbe Cento. In addition to fixing a few issues, we introduce in Cento some of the fingerprints implemented by nDPI so that we can move forward in combining security with network metrics. In the coming weeks we’ll benchmark this new release and […]

Released nProbe Cento 1.8

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This is to announce the release of nProbe Cento 1.8 stable release. This is a maintenance release where we have made many reliability fixes and added new options to integrate this tool with the latest ntopng developments. We suggest all our users to update to this new release so you can benefit from the enhancements. […]

Cento 1.6 Stable Just Released

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After more than one year since the latest stable release, we are glad to announce cento 1.6-stable. This new release brings stability, fixes and several new features. Among the new features, it is worth mentioning that: Flows can be exported in a standardized JSON to text files. By default, a user cento runs and owns […]

Introducing nProbe Cento 1.4 with Hardware Flow Offload

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This is to announce the new 1.4 stable release of nProbe cento. The most important feature that comes with this new version is definitely the support for hardware flow offloading as well as various bug fixing and improved netflow template definition. We recently discussed the benefits of hardware flow offloading in another blog post. Hardware flow […]