Over the past month quite a lot of effort has been put on the IPFIX side of nProbe. Recently, nProbe has been successfully verified by Juniper as an IPFIX (in addition to v9) collector for flows generated by Juniper MX routers, and Cisco Catalyst 4948E switches. In order to further guarantee users that nProbe respects the IPFIX standards, nProbe will be tested against other IPFIX implementations at the IPFIX Interoperability Event that will take place next week in Prague. In the following months, ntop will also try to push in the IPFIX standard some information elements supported (as PEN) by nProbe but not yet in the standard, that include:
- Application Identification (e.g. SMTP, HTTP, FaceBook, Twitter).
- SMTP, DNS and VoIP.
- Tunnelled information (e.g. GRE, GTP).
Later this spring, ntop will go under strong code rewrite, and we’ll be synchronized with nProbe flow support, so that all the features you can find in nProbe (for both probe and collection) will also be available in ntop (as collector).