Advancements in Traffic Processing Using Programmable Hardware Flow Offload

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This week we have presented at the IEEE HPSR (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing) our latest work that shows how nProbe can benefit of acceleration provided by modern SmartNICs to achieving multi-100 Gbit traffic processing (both passive and inline) on low-end servers while deep-packet inspecting traffic using nDPI. If you want […]

HowTo Use Cloud Licenses

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As discussed in our spring webinar, it is now possible to use (in beta) cloud licenses with ntopng and nProbe. Contrary to standard licenses that are bound to a physical system (based on the systemId), cloud licenses are “floating” as the same license file can be used on multiple hosts, of course not simultaneously (i.e. […]

HowTo Analyse NetFlow/IPFIX/sFlow pcap Traces

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Dumping sFlow/NetFlow/IPFIX flows in pcap format can be very useful for troubleshooting or for creating a compact traffic dump. For instance you can dump flow traffic with n2disk (wireshark, or tcpdump) and store them in pcap format, and eventually share them with a shared disk or sent via email. Flows are usually analysed live with […]

nProbe 10.4 is now Available: Cloud Support and Agent Mode

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This is to announce the release of nProbe 10.4. In this version we have made several improvements (including support for new platforms and distributions) as well merged the agent code into the main code base (via -T) on both Linux and Windows. This feature allows you to export (for traffic originated or terminated on the […]

nProbe Cento 1.20 Just Released

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This is to announce the release of nProbe Cento 1.20, that is basically a maintenance release that fixes some issues, improved metadata export using nDPI, and adds new platform and distributions support. Below you can find the whole changelog. Enjoy ! Improvements Add ARM support Add support for dumping bad packets (–dump-bad-packets) Add support for […]

Scaling Up ntopng Flow and Packet Processing

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As traffic rate increases, it is important to tune packet processing in order to avoid drops and thus educe visibility. This post will show you a few tricks for improving the overall performance and better exploit modern multicore systems. The Problem ntopng packet processing performance depends on the number of ingress pps (packets per second) […]