HowTo Define nDPI Risk Exceptions for Networks and Domains

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In the past couple of years we have added the concept of flow risk in nDPI that allows issues with flows to be detected (for instance expired TLS certificates). Unfortunately we need to silence some of these risk exceptions as some hosts/domain names produce risks that need to be ignored (for instance an outdated device […]

A Gentle Introduction To Timeseries Similarity in nDPI (and ntopng)

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Introduction Let’s start from the end. In your organisation you probably have thousand of timeseries of various nature: SNMP interfaces, hosts traffic, protocols etc. You would like to know what timeseries are similar as this is necessary for addressing many different questions: Host A and host B are two different hosts that have nothing in […]

Configuring nDPI Flow Risk Exceptions

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One of the newest features of nDPI 4 is the ability to identify flow risks. Unfortunately sometimes you need to add exceptions as some of those risks, while correct, need to be ignored. Examples include: An old device that is speaking an outdate TLS version but that you cannot upgrade, and that you have done […]

Introducing nDPI 4.0: DPI for CyberSecurity and Traffic Analysis

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This is to announce nDPI 4.0. With this new stable release we have extended the scope of nDPI that was originally conceived as a toolkit for detecting application protocols. nDPI is now a modern library for packet processing that in addition to DPI it includes self-contained, efficient (both in memory and processing speed) streaming versions […]

Combining nDPI and Wireshark for Cybersecurity Traffic Analysis

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At the upcoming Sharkfest Europe 2021 we’ll talk about using Wireshark in cybersecurity. Part of the talk will focus on nDPI and Wireshark integration. Since the last release nDPI features flow risk analysis, that is basically a numerical indication of potential risks associated with a network communication ranging from ‘TLS Certificate Expired’ to more complicated […]

Efficiently Detecting and Blocking SunBurst Malware

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Earlier this month a new highly evasive malware attacker named SunBurst has been disclosed. Immediately some countermeasures have been disclosed and in particular some Snort/Suricata rules have been published. We have analysed the rules trying to figure out if ntop tools could detect and block Sunburst and the answer is yes, you can. Let’s have […]