Advancements in Traffic Processing Using Programmable Hardware Flow Offload

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This week we have presented at the IEEE HPSR (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing) our latest work that shows how nProbe can benefit of acceleration provided by modern SmartNICs to achieving multi-100 Gbit traffic processing (both passive and inline) on low-end servers while deep-packet inspecting traffic using nDPI. If you want […]

nDPI: Internals and Frequent Questions

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All ntop tools are based on nDPI but not every use is familiar with nDPI internals. We often receive questions about it, and it’s time to answer frequent questions. Q: How nDPI implements protocol detection? A: nDPI includes a list of protocol dissectors (356 as of today) that are able to dissect protocols such as […]

nDPI 4.8 is Now Available: Better Performance with Less Memory, Fuzzy Robustness, Many New Protocols

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This is to announce the release of nDPI 4.8 that introduces various new protocols (in total 351 protocols and 53 risks), several internal changes to improve packet processing, extension of fuzzing to new components to improve coverage, new algorithms for handling lists with reduced memory and better performance. Protocol changes have been introduced not just […]

How nDPI Improved Bloom Filters Implementation

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A Bloom filter is. probabilistic data-structure used to test whether an element is present in a set. Blooms are affected by false positives, meaning that when a bloom returns true it does not mean that the searched element is part of the set but that it is “likely” to be part of the set. nDPI […]

How nDPI Identifies Fully Encrypted Protocols

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In the paper How the Great Firewall of China Detects and Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic it is described a technique used in censorship to identify and block fully encrypted protocols. This technique, limited to TCP flows, uses a few techniques that are applied on the first TCP packet with payload, making it fast and convenient […]

Welcome to nDPI 4.6: code fuzzing, new protocol and flow risks

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This is to announce the release of nDPI 4.6 that introduces various improvements with respect to the previous release. Many things changed in this release in terms of number of protocols and robustness thanks to code fuzzing introduced in this release. nDPI now natively supports 332 protocols and 50 flow risks, this in addition to […]

HowTo Monitor Zoom Performance and Video/Call Quality

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Zoom is a popular platform for video communications and team collaboration. As many other cloud services, network administrators need to supervise Zoom network traffic usage. DPI toolkits such as nDPI are useful for identifying Zoom traffic for supervising the network bandwidth used by your Zoom calls. Recently we have took advantage of this research work […]

How to Configure Flow Risk Exclusions in nDPI and ntopng

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Flow risks are the mechanism nDPI implements for detecting issues in network traffic whose theoretical design is documented in this paper Using Deep Packet Inspection in CyberTraffic Analysis we have written last year. While we are reworking the definition of risk exceptions in ntopng to make them fully configurable with a matter of clicks, you […]