Using ClickHouse Cloud with ntopng

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We are happy to announce that from the latest ntopng dev (6.1) version, ntopng supports exporting data (flows & alerts) to ClickHouse Cloud. Below you can find a step-by-step guide. Quick Start First of all let’s start by creating our account and service on the ClickHouse Cloud (you can find the official guide here); remember […]

Stream That Flow: How to Publish nProbe/Cento Flows in a Kafka Cluster

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Apache Kafka can be used across an organization to collect data from multiple sources and make them available in standard format to multiple consumers, including Hadoop, Apache HBase, and Apache Solr. nProbe — and it’s ultra-high-speed sibling nProbe cento — integration with the Kafka messaging system makes them good candidates source of network data. The delivery of network data to a […]

ntopng MySQL Flow Export: Increase the Maximum Number of Open Files

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ntopng uses partitioned MySQL tables when storing flows. As MySQL needs a file handle for each partition and its index, it is important to make sure that the open_files_limit is large enough to allow the process to keep all these files open. Typically, open_files_limit  default value works out-of-the-box but there are some packages/distributions that keeps this […]