Fixing Packet Deduplication: Introducing nDedup

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When it comes to monitor a busy network, network monitoring tools can become bogged down, or even worse produce misleading information for your analysis, by a hidden culprit: duplicate packets. Imagine a firehose of data streaming across your network, much of this data can be redundant, with identical packets being sent multiple times due to […]

Introducing ntopng Customised Reports

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In ntopng 6.0 Dashboard and Traffic Reports have been completely redesigned and rewritten from scratch with a new, flexible engine which is template-based. In a previous webinar we demonstrated how cute and powerful the new engine is, with the ability to automatically generate periodic reports, and with the promise of releasing a graphical editor for customising […]

Introducing PF_RING 8.6: Runtime Filtering and On Demand IDS at 100 Gbit

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This is to announce a new PF_RING release 8.6 ! This stable release introduces a new Runtime component in PF_RING, which adds support for runtime filtering. This allows an external application to push filtering rules (through a Redis queue) while the socket is running, and offload them to the adapter when supported (e.g. on NVIDIA/Mellanox Connect-X […]

Sorting Out and Clustering Alerts in ntopng

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In a previous post, What’s In The (Alert) Inbox?, we’ve discussed how alerts are organised in the Alerts Explorer. The new “inbox” design allows us to cluster alerts into separate folders high-priority events, that require attention and needs to be addresses as soon as possible, from other minor events. This solves one issue: having all […]

What’s In The (Alert) Inbox?

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ntopng emits alerts in order to report relevant. They can be triggered by traffic thresholds, user scripts, behavioural checks, or due to Security issues, including those detected by IDS systems integrated with ntopng (the full list of built-in checks, and related alerts, that can be enabled in ntopng is available in the Alerts section of […]