Using ClickHouse Cloud with ntopng

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We are happy to announce that from the latest ntopng dev (6.1) version, ntopng supports exporting data (flows & alerts) to ClickHouse Cloud. Below you can find a step-by-step guide. Quick Start First of all let’s start by creating our account and service on the ClickHouse Cloud (you can find the official guide here); remember […]

How we Improved Alarm Delivery in ntopng

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Sometimes, a critical issue shows up in your network and you’d like to be notified by ntopng on Telegram or by E-Mail. ntopng allows you to filter alerts for each recipient based on a few criteria including alert family, category, severity, or affected hosts. However in some case you want to be notified about a […]

Using Traffic Rules To Supervise Network Traffic

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The Problem Let’s assume that you have a Network where local hosts generate a constant amount of traffic. How do you find if they are misbehaving? It happens that some local host starts behaving strangely, by having an abnormal amount of traffic (sent or received) with respect to their recent past: how can you spot […]

What’s New in ntopng: Network Assets

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Hello everybody! Welcome back to the weekly blog post of this serie used to update you with the latest ntopng features and graphical changes. Please let us know your feedback! Today we are going to talk about the Asset Map. Have you ever asked yourself, what are the NTP servers in your network? Or, are […]

How Attackers and Victims Detection works in ntopng

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In  recent ntopng versions, alerts have been significantly enriched with metadata useful to understand network and security issues. In this post, we focus on the “Attacker” and “Victim” metadata, used to enrich flow alerts and label hosts. Specifically, the client or the server of a flow is labelled as “Attacker” when it is, with high […]