Introducing ntopng Policy Menu

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In the past months we have extended our behaviour analysis introducing new features such as the ACL or device policies. For this reason we have rearranged the menus and create a new Policy menu (you can read more here) that contains all the configurations used by ntopng to trigger alerts.

Sue to this, some pages have been moved and changed location. Below you can find the list of the moved pages and how to access them now:

  • Server Ports (Previously, Server Ports Analysis): Previously in the Host entry, moved to the Flows one;
  • Assets (New, still in dev.): previously into the Host page (details), now in the Hosts entry;
  • Networks: Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • Host/Network/MAC Pool: Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • Autonomous Systems: Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • VLANs: Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • Countries: Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • Operating Systems: Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • Local HTTP Servers Previously in the Hosts entry, moved to the Interface one;
  • Access Control List: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Allowed Applications (Previously, Device Applications): Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Device/MAC Address Tracking: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Network Configuration: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Traffic Rules: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Behavioural Checks: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Behavioural Checks Exclusion: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • Traffic Profiles: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the Policies (New) one;
  • License: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the About one;
  • License Limits: Previously in the Settings entry, moved to the About one;

Note: these changes have been made only in the dev version of ntopng (that later will become the next stable).

Below you can find the pictures of the new menu entries:
