ntop packages for FreeBSD 11/12, OPNsense and pfsense are available at packages.ntop.org/FreeBSD, they include ntopng, nprobe, n2disk and plugins for OPNsense. Please follow the instructions available on the website for configuring the repository and installing the software.
Additional guides are also available for:
- ntopng
- Installing and configuring the ntopng plugin on OPNsense
- Installing ntopng on pfsense (similar instructions also apply to FreeBSD)
- nProbe
- Installing and configuring the nProbe plugin on OPNsense
- Installing nProbe on pfsense (similar instructions also apply to FreeBSD)
Please note that:
- Some of the features provided by the software on other Operating Systems may be missing on FreeBSD / OPNsense / pfsense, please visit the product page (e.g. ntopng product page, nProbe product page) to find out what is actually supported.
- Community builds provided by the Operating System maintainers are not supported by ntop, only the software installed from the ntop repository is supported. Please check the application help (e.g. ntopng -h) to verify that the software is not marked as Community build and qualifies for support.
- Stable packages are not available for FreeBSD / OPNsense / pfsense for the time being, only nightly builds are available.